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Not Brian

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Everything posted by Not Brian

  1. the fuck is mary kelley's doesn't she drive around in a pink car selling makeup or some shit
  2. what engine is in the camaro? How much? I like 69's a lot better, but if I ever found a solid '67-'68 on the cheap I wouldn't hesitate. The resale on them is ridiculous when restored a bit.
  3. Any MS6 under $10k isn't worth looking into. Regular ones are alright.. my brother bought one brand new and had a handful of little problems right off the bat, but I suppose you'll hear good/bad things about any car out there.
  4. after wiring up my surround sound, I had a mass of wires sticking out the wall next to my receiver. The way my buddy told me to test to see which wires go to what speaker was to rub the wires on a 9V battery and that specific speaker will play some static.. Not sure if that's a good way to test if a speaker is good or bad though, I guess.
  5. If the old stereo worked what makes you think it would be the speakers?
  6. http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=imgres&cd=&docid=Nw8IWDXN5krt0M&tbnid=a0q-jEaQtCUmcM:&ved=0CAkQjBwwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fimages2.wikia.nocookie.net%2F__cb20100920214661%2Fyoutubeusers%2Fimages%2Fb%2Fb7%2FFacepalm_animated_gif.gif&ei=DVEJUsS_MKGSyQHhzoDIDA&psig=AFQjCNG0tVQa9GggDGSIQJs6dmsSBPZicg&ust=1376428685862009
  7. funny, kinda, but it fails at the racing part.
  8. oh, yeah.. the twins were a bait and switch
  9. these are the best things on the internet
  10. I was going to say something but you did a way better job. My hats are off to you. http://www.e-myth.com/images/many_hats.jpg
  11. http://24.media.tumblr.com/9cd600cab82bacc1c48f42a6a70a3660/tumblr_mphpfrBx6m1sppmago1_500.jpg
  12. I'm guessing he posted the wrong video. http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/tv/showtracker/la-et-st-stephen-colbert-get-lucky-daft-punk-bryan-cranston-henry-kissinger-20130807,0,4341578.story
  13. Good thing there's no weight up front
  14. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Ricochet16/7iGwRzA_zpsadc2cefa.jpg
  15. That one light-colored piece in the final chair would drive me crazy.
  16. Narrowing down the problem is usually half the battle..
  17. who disappears to California without saying bye to his friends
  18. Clicking is almost definitely a CV joint, bad bearings grind and squeal. I had both go bad on my Civic(s).
  19. Everything hot about SJ burns away with that accent.
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