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Not Brian

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Everything posted by Not Brian

  1. Not Brian


    that is actually semi-cool
  2. Any friend of Matt is a friend of ours, welcome to the site man.
  3. Got any male models? I have a friend with a Miata.
  4. My Civic DX put down 117whp
  5. I hope he wins every penny of it. No he doesn't deserve millions of dollars, but that's enough to hopefully teach police a lesson.
  6. What a stupid thing to say.
  7. I guess they don't drug test in whatever army this is http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-rBEvymsoXXA/T8zioS3KocI/AAAAAAAA5hk/os36ajCURsI/s640/38.jpg
  8. Yeah did you at some point upgrade the ram?
  9. $500 for something that would draw a bigger crowd than a lambo
  10. dat blue does look pretty nice. Is it a pre-2002.5?
  11. Wait, somebody merged your thread into this one? Now what I typed in this old thread isn't very funny.
  12. Clay did you just post a link to this thread
  13. A woman's job during any kind of catastrophe is to scream relentlessly while telling people what to do
  14. Clay saw it and didn't like it and thought it had a disappointing ending. He says the movie is thought-provoking, but in a wasted, who-gives-a-fuck kind of way. Mental masturbation without the visual or physical kind; he would probably ask for his money back but he saw it for free because he knows people. Clay wants to send Ridley Scott an invoice for his personal time spent watching - and mental space inadvertently remembering - that dreck.
  15. Oh, not familiar with the HK too much. On my converted Saiga (and AK-47's) it's on the right side. I got mine with a factory stock and a collapsible one. I swapped over to see how I like it and yeah.. worthless unless I need to save space for storage, but it's uncomfortable to handle when extended, so yeah.. worthless.
  16. You know, I'm all for this. Too many people driving around with one headlight out so they use their brights. Tail lights out, busted turn signals, etc.. I'd almost like to see a program where mechanics (or something of the like) are there on standby and replace bulbs on the spot, sending a bill to the driver for $50.
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