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Not Brian

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Everything posted by Not Brian

  1. Not Brian


    He only delivers around Sunbury and I only messaged him back and forth on Facebook, sorry. I'm sure Craigslist has similar deals. Sorry for the vaguely general replies, but there really are some great deals on both.
  2. Not Brian


    Check Facebook Marketplace. I found a group of dudes who delivered half a cord for $65. There are also people giving it away for free if you go pick it up.
  3. I drove Skinner's when it was for sale a while back. It was fun.. reminded me of high school.
  4. nephew is 84% interested
  5. I have no recollection of this transaction, but ten years ago I was doing things that would make me not recall a lot of things
  6. Some chick came to one of our hotel parties back in the day and she drove a Wrangler. I thought they were awesome and always wanted one. She let me drive it and it was fucking awful, all slow and wobbly. I banged her in the back seat in a church parking lot and her pussy smelled like a dumpster full of Thursday's tuna. Fuck Wranglers.
  7. My brother/nephew sold her a running car for a hundred bucks.
  8. You're allowed to say my name lol.. and you're (she's) welcome. Hope everything works out for her.
  9. Everything you see in the pictures is lighter and stronger than normal shit, everything else is top-shelf, Alex is awesome, etc.
  10. The gold one that your brother drives?
  11. I'm a realist; Nobody reads this shit, they just scroll down and post their own quick reply.
  12. You've posted 5 times in a racing thread and are one the most irrelevant people related to the topic.
  13. I'm gonna start a fight club and not fight
  14. That will benefit you greatly for all the timed racing you participate in.
  15. http://i.imgur.com/jdem5Nn.jpg
  16. http://i.imgur.com/DjiBNSq.jpg
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