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Not Brian

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Everything posted by Not Brian

  1. Not Brian

    Aye Plowboys

    They can't hear you over the sound of making money
  2. "Other" wins by a landslide cool poll jonesy
  3. Cool I'll stop in there sometime.
  4. You accidentally your sentence.
  5. Kingy's Pizza is amazing, it's my favorite by far. It's about a 15min drive and totally worth it. Papa John's BBQ chicken pizza is my second favorite but their other pizzas/toppings are about average. Donato's is good if you have the munchies but I can really only eat their pepporoni pizzas. Romeo's is convenient because it's close and they're the only ones I know of who have an optional gluten-free crust (for the gf) One last thing, anyone who calls pizza a "pie" is a wannabe italian hipster faggot. Pie is pie, pizza is pizza.
  6. My girlfriend has an '00 Outback with 170k miles and it's still running relatively strong with minor fix-its. Shitty thing about older Subarus is rust and the last thing you feel like doing is having to replace all four tires on an awd beater if you get a non-repairable flat. She really wants to sell her car for an SUV, if you're interested. It looks like this: http://images.cars.com/phototab/DMI/199111/NX52-41303T/01.jpg
  7. http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8kyjyFiwt1r8i1kpo1_1280.jpg http://cdn.tasteofawesome.com/2012/5/14/tasteofawesome.com_254234_1337622070.jpg http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m87zyuSbnv1r8i1kpo1_1280.jpg http://www.theoutdoorstrader.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=145821&d=1356302178
  8. Last christmas I bought one of those with some gay light-up sights.. battery powered and full auto. It's pretty fun but there is zero accuracy and consistency with range on the shots. 6/10 would not hunt with.
  9. need to see shirtless for proper voting
  10. a few years ago they both came for some guy at the bar I watched get hit in the mouth with a poolstick
  11. I really want this thing.. I just can't think of a use for it.
  12. Nothing about those pictures looks appealing.
  13. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Ricochet16/piratebay.jpg
  14. I knew someone would throw the Ferrari card, and still yes. If I were shopping for a Ferrari I would want black.
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