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Not Brian

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Everything posted by Not Brian

  1. stabilitrak is a joke in the tbss world that causes more problems than anything. Also I'm about tired of the 4 speed auto.. I would love to have at least one more gear thrown in there.
  2. cl is websensed for me at work but I'd guess deleting the s out of https would fix it.
  3. solid vehicles, I like them. We had a bunch on the railroad used to taxi us to the engine of the trains. Plenty of room and comfy.. good buy for 20,000 kids.
  4. His $500 car barely runs but he asks about body kits and mt dew paintjobs.
  5. Gabe just replaced his and would be more than happy to help you out.. oh wait, they banned him.
  6. Not Brian

    Walking Dead

    boring episode, shitty gunfights, I don't understand why they're jerks to michonne, predictable merle/daryl/blonde whore teaming up and fighting their way out next half-season.. show's getting kinda lame.
  7. Just setup a little savings account and throw $25 or so in there every paycheck. In a year you can have a nice little ring that you won't be ashamed of later. hell I know of one couple where only the guy had a (shitty) job and they had three kids. All they did was go sign the papers without a ring or anything.
  8. how cheap? like Cubic Zirconia cheap? You can buy those for like $60.. Cheapest real diamond rings I've seen go for about $200, but they look straight out the coal mine.
  9. moving to the kitchen so we don't have to delete/infract a dozen posts On a serious note, it can cost anywhere from $2,500-$3,500 for a good paint job. Extra for under the hood which obviously requires removing the engine and transmission.
  10. I was gonna shoot for 1g and hope for 800. It needs a lot of work though.
  11. Not Brian


  12. buy my mountaineer and there will be a spot in my garage
  13. jesus.. are those tits or just a blob of everything mixed together?
  14. Used to be nothing but cornfields around my house, now all these apartments are sprouting up and the area is too fucking crowded. It doesn't help that the same little two-lane roads are used to squeeze everybody over to the freeway as before. Every morning/evening on the radio you'll hear about the east side slowdowns.
  15. You said you want "overkill" just for youtube and emailing? or was it a typo
  16. You want overkill and you're worried about it being good in 2 years?
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