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Not Brian

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Everything posted by Not Brian

  1. I hope they get rid of all that stupid zombie shit. Otherwise I'm fucking stoked, I loved the first one.
  2. I can pick some up anytime from the PX/shopette
  3. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Ricochet16/roullette.jpg
  4. I would buy Tilley's hair and have it surgically implanted into my scalp, followed by calf implants.
  5. I shutdown early just for the face slap Wait until I actually put forth some effort
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIAejGT0nZY&feature=g-all-f&context=G2223db6FAAAAAAAADAA
  7. Not like it was the first sentence of his first post or anything..
  8. lol @ the people thinking Treyvon should be dead just because he's black and posed funny for some facebook photos. Dude gets a power rush and follows this kid who's minding his own business passing through, starts some shit, and when it blows up in his face he wigs and shoots the kid. Fucker should burn.
  9. lol @ the media portraying the little thug as a stand-up athlete scholar against a raging ex-con. Dude followed a suspicious person walking through his neighborhood, caught up to ask him what he's doing, and trayvon (what a fagget name) started throwing fists instead of just talking and got himself shot. Fuckem. Some garbage was taken off this planet and I hope Z-man gets zero punishment.
  10. moved to parking lot
  11. I didn't read this clusterfuck but isn't Zimmerman part of the neighborhood watch or something?
  12. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=96751&highlight=pink+milk
  13. Join Date: Dec 2007 Welcome back?
  14. Not Brian


  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIAejGT0nZY&feature=g-all-f&context=G2603b87FAAAAAAAAAAA
  16. That house looks awesome, I love the lowered bath tub.
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