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Not Brian

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Everything posted by Not Brian

  1. http://chzragecomics.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/rage-comics-blind-rage-comic.jpg
  2. http://i926.photobucket.com/albums/ad106/MonsterZX6R/koma-comic-strip-shes-a-little-stiff.jpg
  3. http://cache.ohinternet.com/images/2/20/Lol_wat.jpg
  4. This thread would be a lot more fun with paul white. I may unban him today
  5. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Ricochet16/norriscalling.jpg
  6. So how low are you willing to go with the LGT now?
  7. So the men run off and almost die on a pointless round-trip bitchfest while all the woman turn into suicidal drama queens back at the farm.. What a stupid fucking episode. Even next week's previews look like hot garbage
  8. [26-02, 19:44] Mitch did you know that das borgen backwards is Negro B. Sad?
  9. I like seeing them attached still
  10. If you're under 50 and married YOU ARE WRONG
  11. http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b83/importtooner87/GIFS/1250182120_fittycentcatstare_contest.gif http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lsb0y6vFYI1qf0ybj.gif
  12. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v227/brussell328/m6Oeo.jpg
  13. if i jerk off to that blonde behind the hookah is it masturbation
  14. http://i1.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/004/592/my-brain-is-full-of-fuck.jpg
  15. http://soflamarlins.com/images/smilies/superplain.png
  16. the first minute is the same as the second minute, all the way up the the eighth minute and eleventh second. By "funniest thing ive ever seen" I expected an out-the-nose puke, his house to come crumbling down on him, him to pass out and a dog shits on his face... you know, something funny.
  17. I stand corrected. I did a little research and it is just personal preference and the scatter doesn't really change until you start getting down to a 12" barrel (which I believe anything under 16" is illegal?).
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