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Not Brian

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Everything posted by Not Brian

  1. Let me be the eleventh person to congratulate you on buying a nice car and ruining it
  2. <insert new fresh way of saying "cool story bro" here>
  3. iirc he started out tearing out a window for a bigger one and that entire room ended up being junk so he rebuilt the whole room. xyster, what are you using optical for? I picked up a 500 watt receiver from Best Buy for like $200 and it sounds amazing. It was inexpensive because it only has HDMI connections - but HDMI is the best and it's all I use so win/win
  4. Where's Kevin R. with a graph when you need one.
  5. http://www.metalinjection.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Um8P2-604x901.jpg
  6. CR is the Judge of your life. If you buy something that Jones doesn't like, you will get a(n) "<auto maker> LOL" slapped across your face followed by several "<crappy car> VS. <your car> = <crappy car> WINS" and other various fresh, original jokes. Jones lurks out there in the shadows waiting for your car purchase. Tread lightly and godspeed.
  7. ............................................lol
  8. ripped off tosh but this is pretty awesome
  9. It's a link that takes you to your own home page, and makes you think he is actually talking about you. I had the chick next to me click that link and it brought up her own profile too.
  10. how did you go from a 93 mazda to an s2000
  11. Does it sound like this? This is what my washer does. It still works, it's just kinda loud if I put too much stuff in it.. so I do 3/4 loads and it's fine. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WS-dZKC5OVI
  12. if piece of shit fwd cars make you happy go for it
  13. Just saying I don't think people realize it's meant for passing. They see it as just another lane to randomly be in.
  14. too bad people don't even look at speed limit signs
  15. The response by every single person getting pulled over will be the exact same "I didn't know that"
  16. lmfao man I know a few bimbos I could do that to
  17. I miss my 1988 civic. Top speed was exactly 100mph
  18. BRB INVESTING IN $62,000 SUV FOR FUTURE RETURNS what a crock of shit.
  19. I don't even have that many thoughts per month.
  20. Steve (or anybody) I got some flaky chrome 16's if you want them for free. Come get them out of my garage.
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