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Not Brian

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Everything posted by Not Brian

  1. I've been browsing them and once you add 4x4 and a crew cab they get expensive quick. I found a few 1-2 year old ones 2wd reg cab for under 20 grand though, they look fun.
  2. It just started raining sense and real talk in here.
  3. The newer rams look awesome. That's all I got.
  4. http://www.electricretard.com/comics/veterans_funeral_09.png
  5. They're the police, not his parents. They have a gun pointed at him and he raised his warhammer so they shot him dead. Case closed.
  6. This one is funnier http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hf98HzGeKVs
  7. None of those internet parody raps are funny to me at all.
  8. Lowered trucks are almost as gay as lifted cars.
  9. oh I'm not really into trucks my buddy is.. he said he doesn't like Dodges because they're built and drive more like cars(?) anyway that one looks awesome, I would totally drive it.
  10. Are they still built on a car chassis?
  11. MIND BLOWN just kidding don't give a fuck
  12. for checking out a 21 year old with photoshopped boobs?
  13. Not Brian


    because we're smarter than that
  14. Not Brian


    I feel itchy just looking at this.. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=711&pictureid=5739
  15. Not Brian


    that = punking gabe?
  16. http://img.anongallery.org/img/7/0/my-hair-is-a-ballsack.jpg
  17. http://img.anongallery.org/img/0/7/trident-layers.jpg
  18. http://img.anongallery.org/img/2/5/final-fantasy-tictacs.jpg
  19. http://img.anongallery.org/img/3/4/animals-animals-animals.jpg
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