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Not Brian

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Everything posted by Not Brian

  1. so it's like a ninja sword but instead of a blade it has a short-barreled assault rifle?
  2. Not Brian

    Hey faggots,

    did you pound your chest while she sucked your banana
  3. Not Brian

    Hey faggots,

    Normal porn wasn't really sparking it for me anymore. The overly fake tits, bad acting, textbook positions.. got so routine'ish. So anyway I accidentally clicked my way into some weird cartoon shit with my dick already hanging out and said what the hell and kept going. I've never came so hard in my life. The CGI animations of dungeon sluts getting raped by gorillas and a orcs are my favorite.
  4. "..this car is like a nice, firm C-cup, with an ass and legs to match."
  5. Grange beat Progressive by $20 a month for my cars and $300 a year on my house for the same exact coverage. Progressive has awesome customer service but money is money, and Gavin is a great guy to deal with too.
  6. Email Gavin Haab with Grange for all your insurance needs. ghaab@lewgriffin.com /thread
  7. I will never buy a car with any of this garbage.
  8. "Bit of luck he will brake his neck before he recks the enviroment any more....why not go somewhere that don't matter like the dunes...." It "recks" my brain knowing there are people out there with this as their thought process.
  9. Yeah the trailer looked kinda meh. If you want some good horror flicks start here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-tbRROVoq4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnoGQfW51ng
  10. That interior is smothered in hawt sauce
  11. oh I just tried on my iphone, doesn't have street view.
  12. It's cooler when you slowly scroll up on your own, but here. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Ricochet16/lookup.jpg
  13. are you guys even looking up? Use your mouse to scroll the image... Look straight up at the sky.
  14. holy shit that freaked me out for a second
  15. first gen firebirds are fucking hot oh and imho the first pic looks better, the second one looks dirtier and too point-and-shooty. Either way I'm sure Anthony would give his left Jewish testicle for one in that color.
  16. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Ricochet16/motherofdumb.jpg
  17. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Ricochet16/THENNOW.jpg
  18. this is the original http://awholemanagement.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/shit-rolls-down-hill.jpg?w=348
  19. and I don't even have a pic of you anywhere you non-facebooking fake mod
  20. Added Tina, men in black style http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Ricochet16/crmods2.jpg
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