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Not Brian

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Everything posted by Not Brian

  1. don't be so passive, say something bad back about my redneck budweiser mullet sled. fuck.
  2. Pretty nice car man. What do you do in IT?
  3. I hate those faggot cars and all the faggot drivers driving them. oh the twisties! look at me! twisties! i have fun in the twisties!
  4. trash that listens to icp http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juggalo
  5. I don't smoke either just borrow someone else's
  6. or maybe it was 5.. but yeah it was a pack of hot dog things that was almost risking your life if you ate them. I mean how old of a hot dog would you eat?
  7. Rule 3 sucks big fucking black dicks.
  8. really? I thought that's what made it cool
  9. damn I remember plowing through these while on the railroad.. I miss the 4 fingers of death with jalapeno cheese
  10. Is this video worth sitting through a 30 second commercial?
  11. coulda sworn I posted this.. anyways I watched it a few weeks ago and loved it, awesome movie.
  12. 2:30 they're showing the entire first season on AMC, then they show the new episode twice in a row starting at 9pm.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYN5DABaWwk&feature=player_embedded
  14. coulda sworn there was a video in the "bye bye rotary" thread, then a related video at the end had a different video about this.. since it works kinda like a rotary. edit: ?
  15. I like how I get youtube at work but cnn.com is blocked..
  16. +1 a lot of trouble just to make $20 or so.
  17. :lolguy: Just when I thought bachelor frog has covered everything, one more pops up.
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