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Not Brian

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Everything posted by Not Brian

  1. http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g81/vtec_cbr/Bystander_rap_reaction.gif
  2. I bagged groceries at Kroger for $4.35 an hour when I was 14/15 I can't believe I was your age 17 years ago. What the fuck.
  3. non double clutchin like ya should
  4. I was still shitting my pants at 4. Hell I shit my pants at 32.. except I have an iphone now.
  5. http://www.gifsoup.com/imager.php?id=2882134&t=o
  6. Military experience > college
  7. I have all of that minus Security + Ballpark pay? pm me if you want.
  8. poll added.. I voted for every one
  9. http://stonedowl.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/291110006.gif
  10. a thin white businessman in a suit with nice hair and a twinkly smile?
  11. and little kids who stand in the middle of the road that you shoot in the face, which raises your ptsd-o-meter. If that gets too high your dude kills himself and you have to replay the level trying to dodge thoughts of a cheating wife with the D-pad
  12. fuck yeah man I wonder if in the later levels they'll send you super haji's dual wielding rpg's and shit
  13. cod brings everything to the table for lazy dumb people like me; bullets that shoot straight forever and over-the-top kill streaks. bf3 is more realistic'ish, and I'll probably buy it too, but I'd be lying if I said it would see more usage than a pickup-and-go game like cod.
  14. Quoting for good measure. Didn't she bake a cake of the osu stadium once?
  15. another vote for Kevin. He even has a cool little room to watch a bigscreen tv.
  16. don't worry nobody else uses that shit and theirs work fine
  17. With all these african americans showing interest we're guaranteed a winning season
  18. Buying Cheryl anything means you're supporting a fat pimply rich kid's next supercar.
  19. I was just thinking about this last night while realizing my life is boring and sucks. I'm down.
  20. Damn man. Check the free section of craigslist, all kinds of shit. http://columbus.craigslist.org/zip/
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