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Not Brian

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Everything posted by Not Brian

  1. Alum Creek Dr is kinda close to Polaris, like when you zoom out to view the entire state
  2. lol ya also this A couple years ago I had a Camry rental in Utah for a week and it was fucking abysmal. The steering wheel had ZERO feedback, so it was like racing a broken video game at the arcade. I'd look out the windows at mountains and suddenly be in the other lane without knowing. Fuck those cars.
  3. I wasn't a fan of my '16 Impala on road trips. The V6 has plenty of power, but the seat is built to make you lean left. I like to lean right and rest my arm, you know, on the arm rest, and some weird metal hump in the seat would push against my ass. Also, the car wasn't Droid-friendly.. So, if you have an iPhone and like to lean left while driving, it's an okay car. Back seat room was abnormally high, so kid seats aren't an issue. Averaged over 20 mpgs and I drive like an asshole. Had a 4cyl Cherokee or Compass (don't really care to recall) rental in Philly a couple months ago. It was okay, minus the fucking shifter. In D, at the bottom, it has manual shifting if you bump it left or right into a + or -. If you fucking breathe on the thing, congratulations you're stuck in some gear until you push it up into 3, then back down into D. You won't even notice unless you have one eye on the gauge cluster showing you're in Manual mode. Obvious conclusion is that a lot of cars seem okay on paper with their mpg's etc, but you gotta test drive them.
  4. Not Brian


    these hillbillies need their kid's help checking email and you're asking about pubg lol
  5. 03-04 Mach1's are probably my favorite-looking Mustangs, just kinda wish they had IRS like the Cobras. Cool car for the price.. bet it sounds great.
  6. hope no more than like ten people are going http://i.imgur.com/cDnrjIu.jpg
  7. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/12/29/17/2FABA0FC00000578-3377831-image-a-14_1451409762473.jpg
  8. Fucking UFC TV is down for everybody
  9. Trump hasn't polled this low since he won the entire presidential election
  10. Do you have the 8 speaker system? If so, it looks like this is what you're dealing with. Do the smaller ones still work? Not sure if you'd have to replace those as well. I went to Youtube, where this guy does not have the 8 speaker system, and it's just a single speaker down there. Looks like a bit of work just to swap them out. Personally I'd just go to ebay and look for some cheap stock replacements, but I'm lazy.
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