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Everything posted by burgels

  1. Yeah those judges were totally nuts. They were either bought or just plain blind. The former being my guess.
  2. http://bluepyramid.org/ia/swede.gif You're Sweden! <font size="3">After years of trying to rule the world around you, you've finally put aside violence in favor of advocating peaceful resolution. There's still a little Viking in you, but mostly you like Nobel Prize winners and long nights by the fire. And safe cars. You always read the safety manual in airplanes, and you're just a little cold.</font> <font size="2" face="Times New Roman">Take the <a href="http://bluepyramid.org/ia/cquiz.htm">Country Quiz</a> at the Blue Pyramid</font></font></p>
  3. Which doesn't make much sense to me (obviously since I did use one) They make more power than a big 16G and they spool faster than a 20G. It was a great turbo and that car was super quick.
  4. Same color and exact same mods, plus I did have the tranny replaced at 60k. Plus I sold it to a guy in cinci and the guy's email address is one at UC, so I'm pretty sure it's mine, and I agree he is charging too much.
  5. http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?car_id=168180030&dealer_id=&car_year=1997&make=MIT&distance=200&max_price=&model=ECLIP&advcd_on=n&end_year=1999&min_price=&first_record=26&cer tified=n&address=43026&search_type=used&advanced=n&start_year=1996&=&color=&cardist=84 Man I would love to have that car back, but I can't afford it right now. Man that makes me sad... Ok well I'm bummed for the day.
  6. Browns > Bengals smile.gif
  7. 79 Chevy Malibu 86 Chevy Cavalier 89 Honda Accord 96 Mitsubishi Eclipse RS ~~Begin Phase where I cared about cars~~~ 97 Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX 99 Dodge Dakota (Why!?!?!) 04 Subaru Impreza WRX
  8. If I have to translate "dem" into "them" or "der" into "there" one more time.....
  9. burgels


    I still can't figure out where that last point is. and yes, I closed the drawer....
  10. burgels

    Best advice

    Before criticizing someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you do criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes.
  11. The league manager has just changed the number of spots available so that there is only one open spot left. Hurry up and get in Blink and it will be filled and ready to go. PM me if you still have trouble, but that link will work if you are logged into yahoo ahead of time.
  12. You have to be logged in with your yahoo id before clicking on the link or it will probably tell you that you aren't a yahoo member or something like that
  13. PM sent. There are still 2 open spots.
  14. burgels


    I don't care if it's a repost. http://www.homestarrunner.com/disk4of12.html I can get 149 points but that was the best I've been able to do. On the upside, I beat it before I ever looked at a walkthrough. Later [ 11. August 2004, 12:57 PM: Message edited by: burgels™ ]
  15. Our league still needs a few more players to fill it out. Let me know if you are interested and I will PM you with the league page and password. It will be an automated draft, and there is no prize money, but it should be fun.
  16. Too slow again. Let me know if no one comes to get this and I definately will.
  17. I have a washer just sitting in my garage doing nothing. It's my mom and dad's old one but it isn't that old. They just got new ones when they built their new house. Make me an offer.
  18. Wow, I have no idea how I missed this but let me know if you are selling any others.
  19. I'm under 100 and I just have barely topped 500 posts
  20. That's great. Thanks again for giving them a good home. We still have 2 males that need homes if anyone else is interested.
  21. I will be there from about 11 - 4 sunday and that's probably best. I might be around saturday but I'm not sure yet.
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