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Everything posted by burgels

  1. I am now convinced that there was another shooter, possibly on a grassy knoll that caused the damage to the pentagon. tongue.gif Seriously though, it definetly doesn't look like a hole that a plane that big would make.
  2. Very interesting but I am skeptical. Why would they hide it from us if it was a military plane? What difference did it make? We were still attacked. I don't see why they would need to hide anything so I'm not sure that anything was really hidden.
  3. burgels


    Someone needs to make an owned pic out of this... http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story2&u=/040827/photos_us_rank_afp/040827163723_l5z53f8e_photo0&e=15
  4. burgels


    LOL I wondered what had happened to that guy
  5. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/9_11_toy I have no words for how bad that is....
  6. burgels

    Men's 200m

    And I would have thought France would have won the gold. You know, running as fast as possible away from hostility and all...
  7. burgels

    reckless op!

    Can I have your car? Had to ask....
  8. Well I locked my keys in my car with it running. My car is always running when I get out because of the TT, but this time I forgot to take the keys with me... OWN3D graemlins/doh.gifgraemlins/nonono.gifgraemlins/doh.gifgraemlins/nonono.gif
  9. It was an attempt at humor. Maybe I should have said "pre-own3d".
  10. I saw an ad for "pre-owned" cars. Why would anyone want one....
  11. When I was in high school I got in huge trouble for throwing a paper towel in one of the toilets. I had no idea at the time that that could clog a toilet and by no means did I do it maliciously but they were pretty torked off about it. We were just goofing around and shooting wadded up paper towels at the toilet like basketballs. Interestingly, there was no school the following monday due to a problem with the plumbing....
  12. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=817&e=18&u=/ap/hang_up_call That guy is from Mechanicsburg it says, which is only like 10 miles from my house.
  13. Then I need to check my set because I have the 87 topps set. Any idea what the card is worth?
  14. burgels

    of Fury?

    Ok, got it, thanks
  15. burgels

    of Fury?

    What's the deal with this?
  16. The guy that played the original predator was like 7 foot 2 or something, so the original guy was tall.
  17. Sigorni Weaver killed an alien, and Ahnold killed a predator, and I'll take Ahnold in that fight any day, so by my odd roundabout logic: Predator > Alien.
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