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Everything posted by burgels

  1. My team would lose to Bye. * > Browns
  2. West Liberty-Salem - Not in town but in central Ohio
  3. BEEFCAKE!!!! +1 baseball is a joke, and you had to believe that Bonds was doping
  4. 75% of all statistics are made up on the spot. smile.gif
  5. [ 03. December 2004, 03:28 PM: Message edited by: burgels™ ]
  6. Strongbad himself has discussed that topic tons of times.
  7. I've heard good things about the leap pad as well. We are trying to find one for our daughter.
  8. I'll be out shopping on friday and I love it. For some reason I always have a great time doing that. I guess I'm just nuts.
  9. ??? Where are you guys getting this?
  10. burgels

    freaky web site

    Use the same number more than once, kinda easy to see at that point. smile.gif
  11. "Well that's what we call pillow talk. It doesn't really mean anything"
  12. burgels


    right under the line where it says "public class HelloWorld(){" cut and paste the code that I posted above into that spot. Then it should look pretty similar to what fush posted above.
  13. sal·low2 ( P ) Pronunciation Key (sl) n. A broad-leaved European willow (Salix caprea) having large catkins that appear before the leaves and tough wood used as a source of charcoal. He's going to turn your soul into charcoal I guess.... smile.gifgraemlins/lol.gif
  14. burgels


    It saves it to your clipboard. You'll have to paste it into an image editor of some kind, such as paint.
  15. burgels

    freaky web site

    Seen it, pretty cool till you figure it out.
  16. burgels


    Specifically, go here: http://www.javaranch.com/cattledrive.jsp Follow closely, it will help you get started.
  17. burgels


    You have to create a new class in your project and then type that code into the editor. It won't already be there, you have to type it in. +1 on not using the eclipse tutorial to learn java. Go to www.javaranch.com. A lot of good info on there to help you get started learning about it.
  18. burgels


    write this: public static void main(String[] args){ System.out.println("Hello World!"); } Save, compile, and run.
  19. burgels


    IntelliJ = the win Get it here -> www.jetbrains.com
  20. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=794&e=1&u=/eo/15373 A must see....
  21. I saw that on monday. "Slightly shotgunned" ROFL
  22. [ 18. November 2004, 12:45 PM: Message edited by: burgels™ ]
  23. Coming to an X games near you..... probably.
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