I'm playing around with a palm pilot that I have from my wife's work and I was wondering if anyone new of any good free games that I can download for it? It has Palm 5 OS and color. Also any other cool apps that you know of would be helpful.
It's a hoax. It's on snopes but I'm not interested in finding the link. It's supposed to be sarcasm aimed at how many unwanted pet rabbits end up at the humane societies, and yet people would care about one rabbit that they don't even know. The money is not real and they don't actually allow contributions but just update the "total" periodically to make it look real.
This is why it needs to stay on the track. I'm just glad that I didn't cause anything stupid like this to happen before I got a brain in my head.
It's a trick, get an axe.
This is my BOOMSTICK!!
Close the door, where you born in a barn? (mumbles) Probably were born in a barn.
Shop smart, shop S-Mart, YOU GOT THAT?!?!?