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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. But that sales tax and property tax sure add up to a LOT. Then don't forget the multiple taxes on the same sold item. You buy a new car, pay taxes on it. Sell it to me 2 years later, and I pay a whole new set of taxes on it. I hate it, sell it to Thorne for a profit, and he pays more taxes on it than I did. Hell, in the end of a car's life cycle, more in taxes could easily be paid on it than the price of the car when it was new!
  2. I haven't developed film in years. We had 10 table cameras for our wedding reception (one is missing, nice...but not as nice as the $3,000 bar tab). We want them developed + a disc with digital prints as well. Who does that cheap? I'm sure I can take them to Walgreens or CVS, but I'm betting there is a price premium. And price premium x 9 cameras = we already killed the wedding budget, no need to rape it further. Any recommended places? Cheaper the better, these aren't going to be quality shots, that's why we had our two photographers.
  3. Seems like a pretty reasonable price for that boat. Bit of a tough market heading into off season + carbed V8 and gas prices though. TTT for ya.
  4. That is a base ZR1. It also doesn't have the leather wrapped interior package either, which would resolve some of the plastic complaints some of you have.
  5. I made that same comment yesterday, that if both main canidates were killed, that we might actually end up with someone worth voting for. When was the last time we had a main canidate worth voting for? Clinton's last election? I wasn't even 18 yet. I've never had a chance to vote for a canidate I would actually want to vote for.
  6. My wife and I spoke about going to Vegas next year, and one of my requirements was to rent a Ferrari and take a trip to Hoover Dam. I'd be happy with a 348 or 355 Targa or Spyder. But I've always wanted to try out a Lotus Elise too, and the rental price is a lot nicer.
  7. Looks like an okay sized wake for a non-weighted jet boat; kind of dirty, but pretty narrow so it's easy to jump into the flats. That water looked a bit too choppy for my tastes. And 26MPH is too fast on a wakeboard. I was out on my buddy's 23' Rinker during my bachelor party, and was amazed at how much more air I could get off of his wake vs. my boat's, even being cautious because my knee is screwed up. But I did learn that I'm selling my Hyperlite Imperial after riding my buddy's Liquid Force Omega...I just like the ride of a loose board too much, and that Imperial tracks too hard.
  8. Then you are getting ripped off. I paid about $8 for my 100 disc spindles of DVD -R's. They burn just fine too, I've went through several spindles. Unless you are buying dual-layer, then it is more understandable.
  9. When blank media goes to $1/disc, I'll switch over. Until then, I'll stick to DVD's.
  10. 12.5 ET w/ AWD and Launch Control = SAD.
  11. The mis-information is awesome. You can use both HDMI or Component cables on your cable box to get the HD signal. Everyone says "the HDMI will look better." That's not always the case at all. I've installed hundreds of HD boxes, and can say that some TV's look better with HDMI, a lot look the same as component, and a few have looked worse with HDMI. Also, the statement to use HDMI for the cable box, and component for the DVD player is exactly the opposite of what you would want to do if you only had those two sets of cables. VERY few DVD players will do upconvert through component. You want that upconvert feature, so you need to run HDMI for the DVD player. You can find nice quality HDMI cables for $6-8 on E-bay easily, all new stuff.
  12. I'm sure the markup will be heavy. And GM has video of one, with passenger, tested it hitting 207 MPH.
  13. I have a Sprint PCMCIA wireless card for my work laptop. Not as fast as a broadband connection (Road Runner is a marketing tool...please stop calling it that). I also noticed very high latency as well. It works, and if you travel a lot can work well enough when you are at home, but overall it doesn't compare to other broadband solutions.
  14. You don't even need to raise taxes. We have tons of tax income, but we spend way too much. Simply do huge cuts on a lot of social programs, stop giving handouts to coroporations, and that alone will put us well into the black, and help pay back some of this money. Paying more taxes is NOT the solution (because come dumbass will just find ways to blow that money too). Cutting back the gov't WILL help.
  15. I know you think about me when you masturbate. I'm okay with that.
  16. I love how the Mac fanboys love to compare their Macs with PC's/Laptops that are 1/2 the cost w/ compareable features. Compare equal-cost units, and the Macs are just sad. And kind of gay. Seriously.
  17. I don't get all the Obama hate. Look, both canidates suck...god forbid we get someone good like Ron Paul. But Obama is easily the lesser of two evils. McCain might as well be Bush's brother; we don't need ANOTHER 4 years of the same BS we have had for the past 8. McCain is about as bright as Bush too...graduated the bottom 2% at the Naval Academy. McCain is another war monger that will keep us in Iraq all through his term, working closer to bankrupt this country. Obama is at least someone that is SOMEWHAT different than what we've had. I'd like to add that I do not believe in party lines, and honestly had McCain and Obama at 50% each until the more I heard about them. McCain is more of the same, period.
  18. Try it on your cloth seats; maybe it will make them more leather-like?
  19. Love the car. Exterior color isn't my bag, but it wouldn't stop me from taking it!
  20. I want to start seeing dyno numbers from PRODUCTION cars, not pre-production test mules, press cars, and other oddity cars. From something your average guy on a waiting list got off the lot.
  21. A rotary sounds NOTHING like a V8, at any RPM. That includes 2, 3, and 4 rotor rotarys, before you think a 3 or 4 rotor somehow magically sounds good. I am including stock, modified, N/A, turbo, etc. rotaries in not sounding like a V8.
  22. I have had Vista since its release; no virus or Spyware/Malware for me.
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