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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. I think it was Charles Barkley (can't recall correctly), that said his uncle gave him a great piece of advice: Split his income (after taxes) into thirds. Spend 1/3, save 1/3, and invest 1/3. Sounds like that would work for most athletes pretty damn well.
  2. The new EPA estimate is way low with a 12/15 & 13 combined. Even when lead footing it, mine has never seen that low. And my Avalanche is get's the 2nd worst mileage as a model of all 1500 Avalanches made (03+ get slightly better, mine has all options = heavier + roof rack = more wind drag). Only thing worse is if mine had the 4.10 gears instead of the 3.73's. The 13/18 & 15.6 combined from 4 people entering in is more accurate. That's pretty much what I get...maybe 18.5-19 on the freeway.
  3. Gas in the Avalanche is a killer. I find me babying it more than I ever have...coasting as much as I can vs. hitting the brakes, accelerating very slowly, and trying to squeeze every extra MPG that I can. If it hits about $5-6 a gallon, I'll have to buy another car to DD, as the monthly cost difference between the Av vs a 30+ MPG vehicle will be too much to ignore. What I hate is the fact that every year I get a raise, I am really making less money. The cost of living is going up way quicker than my income is. Electric, natural gas, property tax, gasoline, insurace, water bill (by a LOT)...6 years ago I could be making $3/hr less and still have more to spend after paying all my bills/fuel costs simply because of these major price hikes in everything. Things need to change, and change quick. Looking at the 3 front running canidates for the next leadership...not going to happen.
  4. Nice. I considered buying a really clean one back in college (late 90's), but guy wanted a bit too much for it. Always loved the look of them; wouldn't mind a motor swapped one.
  5. I'm interested if the price is right. I've always wanted to try it. And I want to try bungee jumping off of a hot-air ballon.
  6. I got two calls last week from an 800, with a recorded message to "please wait for an important offer from **insert whatever the place was...I wasn't paying attention.** 10 seconds later, it just hangs up on me. Mmmm, okay.
  7. Yes, for years the DHL guy had been going through packages, just waiting for the day that someone will ship shocks for an 80's Toyota. You have made one man's dream a reality.
  8. Being 42, that means she was playing a 16-17 year old when she was ~28. Nice.
  9. Gas prices are why we got so much for my fiancée's Sentra. Sold it for about 2k more this year than it would have went for a year ago with 12k less miles and a year newer. It was her incentive to get rid of it!
  10. Digital cameras are everywhere, as are cell phone cameras. Perhaps take a new picture?
  11. An LSx will fit in one.
  12. I used to enjoy my job...now the same BS has gotten old. Some days are alright, other days I hate it with a passion. I would work a job I hated more for a significant raise. But if it meant no free time ever/almost ever, I wouldn't do it. My job doesn't represent who I am...it's a means to an end, nothing more.
  13. People who use those places are failures at life. I am torn on legislation restricting their interest rate. One side of me say screw people to stupid/lazy to know what they are getting into. The other says these people are going to screw up even more if that interest rate is so unfairly high. But with a lower interest rate, will these people use these services even more? You never see these places in nice neighborhoods...go to the ghetto, and there is a "loan shark store" on every corner. What's interesting about those places is I never seem to hear about them being robbed. Obviously they have a good chunk of money in them.
  14. Gas mileage sucks, but you've got to expect that with this kind of vehicle. Pretty nice overall.
  15. I phone is a neat gimmick, but I couldn't imagine using it in a business environment.
  16. Fuck, the Bag of Crap came up as I was reading this thread...though I clicked on my Woot! Vista Sidebar and the page came up, the server was overloaded when I hit the button to buy. They have had a few neat items this Woot Off, but nothing I've really needed yet.
  17. If it was a higher paying, skilled job requiring an education and previous experience, I would disagree with this. If you live in a run-down area, what other previous failures have you had to get into that situation? I wouldn't hold this against a lower paying job, someone fresh out of school or not experienced in the field. But if I was hiring someone that was making good money and should have been doing the same previously...I would have my doubts about them. You don't have to make a lot of money to live in a clean neighborhood.
  18. Go ahead and bang her. I don't think anyone here is stopping you! I bet she is high maintenance though.
  19. Take him to small claims court. Seriously.
  20. That is an EXCELLENT point. I wonder if there is a gas tax on race gas, since that is sold as off-road fuel only.
  21. Get out, and get out now. If you aren't happy with a person, what's the point? If you know you can't become happy, again, why stay? I'm am HAPPY with my relationship. Very happy. If I wasn't, I would have broke it off.
  22. http://www.419eater.com/ They have pile after pile of stories of people doing this same stuff; have been doing it for years. The good ones cause the scammer to spend money...and some of those scammers end up spending a noticable amount of coin! A good baiter also gets the scammer to send pics, and makes demands.
  23. That's the one I was talking about.
  24. You may want to adjust your price; I don't think I've ever seen a Craigs List bagger mower asking that. You can get a pretty decent brand new unit for that money. I'll have to check out Sam's Club. I live near one.
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