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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. Senior Technician for WOW cable.
  2. Starz HD On-Demand...dunno. PM me the phone number on your account, and I'll see what I can do.
  3. I JUST watched that movie a couple hours ago (have it on DVD, but was playing on HBO HD so I decided to watch it). But the stuff on those cars were actually functional so they could FLY. Remember the advertisement for hover conversions?
  4. That was a shitty ride anyway; they have had way better. They had a ton of people in the studio that day. They shocked the puss on those chicks right after that.
  5. Ehh, hard to say. Prices are guaranteed until 2010, so this isn't some intro pricing crap the competition trys to pull. PM me what services you have now with the competition, I'll get you a better price, then the switch over is pretty painless.
  6. Sounds like an intro rate. Regardless, comparing DSL to cable internet is a joke. What all Dish channels are you getting?? They have a PILE of packages. Besides, I've dealt with a Dish before...even with a good alingment, I would have been without TV a couple times today due to the weather. No thanks; I can't recall the last time my cable went out; I'm thinking it was the ice storm of 04. Besides, who wants to be stuck in a contract? Does your AT&T include unlimited long distance? Voice mail and every other phone feature available? BTW, digital simulcast should be coming soon for pretty much all cable companies = there goes Dish's one advantage (besides, these dish companies compress their stuff so much you can tell a difference between digital cable channels and dish).
  7. That was from farily early last year. Akira is a regular on Bubba's show, but they recently kicked her off (she gained a bunch of weight since then anyway). The better clip is what happened minutes before this clip, when they were shocking Sal and Richard's balls.
  8. I have some, but need to know what kind you need. You can also pop the case and Google the mother board number. Also take note of how many available memory slots you have, and what size of memory you already have in it.
  9. Uhh, the 2 hour ahead (not 2 and a half) is only on the analog boxes, which are being phased out. Next. Your internet; 1/2 the time people bitching about the internet have PC/router issues then blame WOW. The other have, it could be a legit issue; many times something as simple as a loose connector, squirrels chewing a cable line at the pole, etc. I 100% guarantee I can beat the deal you have with Warner, and by a good chunk of change.
  10. Not kitchen material. Moving.....
  11. Enough of this posting everything to the Cleveland guys in the kitchen. This isn't kitchen material, doesn't belong here; they can check the rest of the board like everyone else. Moving.....
  12. $2900 for THAT?? 242k miles on it + burns a quart of oil every 1k miles. That's not a deal!
  13. Though I can see why someone wouldn't buy a used PC, that is an incrediable rip-off. I have a 5 year old PC that's FASTER than that! Though I missed the sale, Best Buy had a $199 Emachine a couple weeks ago. Obviously a lower end machine, but far better than this for a lot less money. It did sell out quickly, however.
  14. If I could be a house Husband, I would take that on in a second. But no soccer for my kids; they would have to play a real sport.
  15. Uhh, working a 9-5 job != being a house wife. You can't imagine how many fat broads I see with their filthly homes, 3 little brats running around, while their fat asses are sitting around watching TV and doing NOTHING. Sadly, THAT is your typical house wife. If some chick wants to be a house wife, though would never be MY house wife as I don't believe in that BS, the house better be so clean I can eat off of every surface in the damn place, children should be well raised, and the only things I should EVER have to do when I get home is a a fix-it project or the like that she may not be able to do, and spending some time with the rugrats. Then again, I'm unmarried with no kids, and if I marry my g/f, she sure as hell doesn't want to be some housewife.
  16. You keep your phone number. Once it is ported from AT&T, that's it; you don't even have to contact them.
  17. Dude, I've been to more customers houses with house wives than you could possibly imagine. I'd be a "house wife" any day of the week. Not NEARLY as hard of a job as they make it out to be, when compared to even a 9-5 office job, and especially not worth the $$ they think they deserve for it. Unless you mean sitting on a couch stuffing your face watching soaps while the kids play in another room, or are napping. Then the husband has to come home, do chores around the house (wait, shouldn't that be the house wive's job, since that's part of HER duties), etc. I will NEVER, EVER have a house wife.
  18. Just saved Anthony a nice chunk of change monthly, with a couple more people that just need to get back with me. Who next?
  19. Too bad they don't fly to Newfoundland...god those ticket were expensive!
  20. Ugh, a joke about some housewife trying to make her "job" sound way harder than it really is.
  21. If it's a 6-speed car, refer to it as a M6 tranny. Or you may call it the T56 that it is. A4 tranny would be an auto. Or in your case, a 4L60 (not E, as it is the funky 93 with a non-EEprom PCM, batch fire, no MAF setup, no electronic tranny, and funny ratios for the T56).
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