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Everything posted by dragknee66

  1. If I can grab both of them from you guys that would be awesome.. Ill run some long tests before I use em
  2. Temperamental as in... does it work 44pin style yo?
  3. Brians Thunderbolt is definitely an amazing option. Just a hair above cost of an actual early upgrade, and one of the newest phones out there. If I was in your shoes I would definitely buy it. Im actually pissed he didnt sell it a few weeks sooner cause I would have bought it
  4. Looking for an old school style 5400rpm IDE 2.5" drive. Any size.. definitely something working of course.
  5. Same pricing on data.. no additional charges The TB is actually a decent phone after you root, rom and add a custom kernel. I bought another one after the keyboard on my D1 died and its running damned great. HUGE development community for it on XDA forum.
  6. If you end up there let me know so we can meet up son!
  7. word.. wait until mon and check their page for your final answer
  8. They just check your account and if youre eligible theyll ship it yes. Simple stuff. If you want to mod your phone get the Thunderbolt, if you want a phone just to use and not mess with then Ide get a Charge for sure. I bought another damn Thunderbolt and its ROMd now with a custom kernel and its a freakin hell of a phone now.
  9. One the fence? Debating on new phone? This makes it easier.. http://www.mobilecrunch.com/2011/05/27/htc-thunderbolt-google-nexus-s-4g-and-more-for-free-on-amazon-monday/
  10. Youre really going to trust the dispatchers to give this kind of advise? Eek. Either way.. like I said.. if a call goes out and the words "gun" or "knife" are involved.. you better bet your ass there will be more than a handful of officers showing up. Im sticking to the best idea for you fellas... talking to the restaurant first and then calling the local police dept for that place and explaining to them what youre doing as well. THAT makes the most common sense to me
  11. What you COULD do is find a place.. a place that takes reservations maybe.. and let them know what you plan on doing and see what they have to say about it. You would definitely fix most of the problem there.. if management says ok and customers are unhappy and make phone calls then youll be able to stay. If youre scaring away customers and the employees are freaking you, you better bet your ass that youll be leaving hah.
  12. Pass as well. Take a pic of the cash and send it.. then have him send a pic of his airline ticket.. then meet face to face and do it that way yup
  13. Either way.. its going to get attention.. Youde be surprised how many calls come through even over stuff like toy guns and bb guns. Someone.. somewhere.. is going to have a bitch fit over it. Especially if you get 15 people or so I would expect at least 10 officers to show for a call like that.
  14. Probably because no tow company would ever want to tow that.. unwrecked hah. scratch a bumper on the way up the roll back and thats probably like 20k or something hah
  15. For the love of jesus make sure you call the police and tell them whats going on yes. All you need is 1 idiot calling in saying a bunch of dudes are somewhere waving guns or something and youll have a shit storm brought. I still say this is a terrible idea. The UNeducated people are the ones that freak out and cause the chaos.
  16. dragknee66

    open carry

    asking for trouble
  17. Ill help a brother out.. If someone buys the laptop I have a laptop hd laying around that Ide sell for dirt cheap to finish the setup. Its at least a 320gig for sure
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