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Everything posted by dragknee66

  1. I actually bought this on here a while back and it needed a couple small parts to get it working. 1.6ghz 40gb drive 1gig and 256mb memory chips installed (2 gigs max allowed) Extended battery that DOES HOLD charge. The touchpad is also brand new (like that matters? ha) Its currently running Ubuntu and has been up for 73 days so far so it works amazing! Selling this laptop and my other because Im buying a macbook $100 bones is what I have in it and what I would like for it *SOLD*
  2. Ya probably. Shes 15 too, those 15yr olds :fuuuu:
  3. I had paper in high school too. Passing notes. Kids these days dont know a thing about passing notes and how fun and sneaky it was. I think the most I hit was 5k in a month mostly averaging about 2k or so i would think. My data is between 2-5gigs range usually. Im with Eric though... kids are learning the laziest way to communicate and I even see it on some of their school papers. I cant stand getting messages or reading fb comments from young people with broken ass English. I really want to smack them sometimes hah.
  4. My friends niece used 12k texts and talked for almost 5k of just night and weekend minutes last month. Can we get a what the fuck? Luckily her mom cuts off the phone during school hours and at night time during the school year, unlike some dumb parents that let them use that shit during the day. This is seriously a sad generation of youth.
  5. Hah mugged, they'll either shoot me or run when they see the badge and gun lol. Owned! I made it to FAO toys today and wow!!! The most toys ive seen in my life for reals. The Apple store glass outside is under construction so didnt see much of it. I walked down 5th and saw like every damn clothing store imaginable. I bought a bunch of Armani shit, DOHHHHHHHhhhh. Im going back tomorrow to see what else I can find. Oh.. I saw a bunch of people with google chrome tablets and asked where I could buy them.. they said they were at some show and they were handed out FREE TO ALL THE CROWD.. *ANGRYYYYY* I seriously saw 19yr old kids walking around with free ones, I was pissed lol. Damnit! I stopped by the Plaza hotel and made a reservation for a room with a little fridge that unlocks with a key.. thats a joke for those who got it
  6. Right here by central park now, just walked probably 10 miles at least just killing time. Very big city for sure. Here by myself actually. That pizza place is less than a mile from me so Ill be sure to check that out. Definitely going to see ground zero and probably swing by Times square for the hek of it just to say I was there. Nintendo store very close too Ill be sure to go there as well ha. The museums ill definitely have to hit yes. Im sure in my 2 weeks time Ill manage to hit everything for sure Next week Ill hit the Statue of Liberty tour stuff and on Sunday hit a Yank game for sure. Looks like that FAO Schwartz toy store is less than a stone throw away too.
  7. Im headed there for a couple weeks duration over the next month.. I need ideas for cool things to do, places to visit and what to eat :fuckyeah:
  8. 986th level druid game master shitssss
  9. I got off the work computer and pulled this up on my tablet just in hopes of getting some pics. Fail. :no:
  10. http://www.woot.com/ Selling Xoom tabs for $399. Refurbs but Ide still buy one had I not bought one last week.
  11. For those rocking Froyo still... D BAMF 1.8.6 built in ability to use MR2 or MR2.5 radio. Very good stuff, running it now.
  12. Making the 90 band in a city where there are hundreds to retire doesnt make you the boss :gabe:
  13. Would be if I didnt have like 38hrs of work from now until Sun. FML
  14. Quite a few odd balls getting on CFD from my friends group. Same with CPD. A bunch of weird ass mofos that shouldnt be CFD or CPD. Damn those big hiring group numbers Ill tell ya.
  15. Your ad says $35.. dont forget to add that to your CR post here too
  16. 4G as well.. use the hotspot for now yes. Some people DO HAVE problems running 2.1 or GB roms.. thats going to be the nature of it until there are more leaks to base off of. Im still rocking Froyo roms and dont have any issues.
  17. Oh. Yup this is the big rumor right now.. looking accurate.. :fuuuu:
  18. Definitely jump on vzw before the tier if you plan on switching, fa reals
  19. It doesnt by chance stand up in a garage does it..
  20. You need the radio as well. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1115714 - radio, newest leak http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1087617 - dbamf 2 Just read the threads there.. tons and tons of info. Im still testing the froyo stuff for some devs there, havent jumped ship to GB yet myself. As Chris said though, be careful with flashing the radios floating around, you could brick the phone for sure. Just read the threads of the ROMs you want to try and definitely be certain to make sure you flash the correct radio. if you stick to a 2.0 release of something or a rom stated as GB youll be fine with the newest GB radios.
  21. I have a Toshiba laptop ide part with.. Dual core. 4gig ram, 320hd, Im looking to upgrade.. PM me if youre interested Ill send you the model specs and all
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