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Everything posted by dragknee66

  1. So you have hand pains.. head pains.. your bumped and bruised.. feeling like the victim.. and wow you could really use a new car huh aka insurance $$$$$$'s
  2. Just when you think youre getting ahead.. bam.. fucked over.
  3. 25k in parts and labor and asking price of 13500 hmmmm
  4. I dont have weekends off like most of you homos do. Driving further for me requires weeks of planning.
  5. I didnt plan on going for a couple weeks still but might have time to make it up Sunday.. those who go Sat make sure you post up the details!
  6. I would say dont mod a daily and leave it all alone
  7. All family shit aside.. youre MUCH better off NOT loaning a car to a person like that.
  8. Reason 23783465783694578 not to buy a used WRX hah
  9. Couldnt have said it better myself. IIIIFFFFFF we get 3 inches here.. were fucked... and this city is shutting down hah
  10. All good points. Aside from pulling the rest of my hair follicles out worrying about that crap I just get pissed off that gas prices go up and down 30+ cents per G DAMN DAY.
  11. I went this past Sat as well and liked it. Knew a few of the girls and one of my best friends is the manager up there, will be going again for sure.
  12. I just picked up an i7 950 chip... brb while OC'ng more
  13. since she probably has no idea what theyre worth... call over to Carmax and see what THEY would offer for a car like that.. and offer her like $250 more.
  14. Yes you do http://img708.imageshack.us/img708/1579/ahhn0.jpg
  15. I have the spikes.. and about 4k rounds of .22 hahaha. I LOVE IT. Its WELL WORTH the price if you like to shoot.. You get some pretty interesting looks too when people see you pull out the big gun only to hear it sound like a kids toy! Whichever you decide, make sure you get at least a couple extra mags with it.
  16. Grove-f'n-tucky. FA REAL.
  17. dot. Lettuce discuss why you dont NEEEEEEEED to do this
  18. Im sorry I rolled through the red light causing possible danger to other motorist on the road?
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