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Posts posted by dragknee66

  1. fs again :confused:


    Sitting in my complex, needs to be gone really.


    First person here with $250 gets this 31mpg beast. Yes, it still needs that rear portion fixed too. Comes with a cool Sony radio too.

  2. It was FOOKING PACKED there last night. Went up 2 times and both times it was too busy to even bother parking.


    Some squid wearing no jacket and a pair of shorts did a nice little 11-12oclock rite in front of a bunch of cops too.. then bounced of his rev.. HE WAS REALLLLLLY COOOOOOOL !!

  3. Nothing personal to Sam of course but....


    Foam Parties are the shit... except the fact that Farenheit is the ULTIMATE suck of a place to be.


    MAINLY because they play ghetto ass rap which brings in the GHETTO ass crowd. Rap is ok, its just the "yo yo i wanna kill everyone" type of rap (hah)


    Tell the owner dude to fire his horrible DJs and get some DJs that will bring some more civilized music.


    Have you had luck changing that place around yet?

  4. Originally posted by Got-Busa?:

    The rider is not the problem, it's the other dumbasses on the road!


    Never.....ever.....ever.....ride without a helmet, I don't care who you are!

    He so f'n said it rite ^


    No helmet = stupid graemlins/slap.gif

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