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Posts posted by dragknee66

  1. Stupid cop is rite.


    But at the same time.. Looking at the picture of him on his bike, and from hearing about blood coming out of his ears.. Im going to guess that he wasnt wearing a helmet.


    If he had been wearing his lid, he probably would still be alive.

  2. I was just riding with Westerville PD and we had talked about the same thing.


    Its common that drunk drivers fail to turn on headlights while driving, therfor he saw opportunity to pull you over. At 10pm with no headlights you could have caused a SERIOUS accident, so he had probable cause to pull you over.. its 10PM.. Why werent your lights on? 10pm = very dark outside.


    Most of the time, yes, you do only get a warning. However, in this case, maybe the officer was having a bad night, or maybe you have other traffic violations too? Maybe you were cocky with him, or just plainly displayed a bad attitude. Hell, maybe you just had some bad luck for the night.


    Busted. End of story. You could try and plead no contest and have the fine thrown out, but either way youre still stuck paying court costs now.

  3. I tried getting drunk there, it seriously didnt happen. I lost count actually....


    From 11pm - 2:30am

    2 jaegerbombs and a crown and coke to start

    2 more bombs and a long island

    left peppers and went to hotel dance place

    2 more bombs crown and coke

    long island

    Cherry bomb (yum)

    $18 dollar Hypnotic and Hennesy


    2 shots of Jack dumped into a coke


    Probably some more that I couldnt keep count of too



    I was at least expecting to stumble up to my room.. Not even. VERY dissapointing. My friend had the same drink list.. and he wasnt drunk either.


    Windsor booze = watered down to the extreme

  4. You'll love windsor being 19.


    But the alchol is EXTREMELY watered down. My advice is go through the tunnel to windsor, youll be dumped off RITE by a Romada hotel. This is where I stayed when I went just last weekend.


    They have a decent dance place in the basement of that hotel as well. Plan on EVERYWHERE you go to be REALLLY busy. You wont be bar hopping all night because you'll be waiting in lines for 30-40mins.


    There is a nice place across the street called Peppers I believe. There were some great looking girls at that place. The good thing was.. they dont let this place get over crowded, they fill it, and hold people from coming in until someone leaves.


    Girls there are your typical "buy me a drink!" "im not gonna dance with any guys!" types of chicks.


    You wont be able to afford to stay for a week though, and after 1-2 days, you'll be sick of it anyways. Our hotel bill was $170 bucks for a 1 night stay (with parking, tax and fees, and room for night). Im sure you could find cheaper places to stay, but you'de have to cab it everywhere then.

  5. Did anyone else get to make it?




    There were soooo freakin many girls there :eek:


    Most of them were drunk... graemlins/grin2.gif

    some were not graemlins/thumb.gif


    I saw this one guy get nearly RAPED by 2 older girls too graemlins/grin2.gifgraemlins/nod.gifgraemlins/lol.gif

  6. Well if your friend is working New Albany.. we can go there if you want.. just post before like noon tomorrow so me and the rest (whoever else wants to show) know whats up.


    Other than that, tomorrow 6pm at the powder room is fine. Ill just wear my Black alpinestar hat and my black shoes and khaki cargo pants. Ill be shooting the Hot ass Sig P229 :D

  7. Why Men favor a gun over a woman.....





    10. You can trade an old 44 for a new 22.


    9. You can keep one handgun at home and have another for when you're on the road.


    8. If you admire a friend's handgun and tell him so, he will probably >>let you try it out a few times.


    7. Your primary handgun doesn't mind if you keep another handgun for a >>backup.


    6. Your handgun will stay with you even if you run out of ammo.


    5. A handgun doesn't take up a lot of closet space.


    4. Handguns function normally every day of the month.


    3. A handgun doesn't ask, "Do these new grips make me look fat?"


    2. A handgun doesn't mind if you go to sleep after you use it.


    And the number one reason a handgun is favored over a woman:


    1. You can buy a silencer for a handgun!




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