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Posts posted by dragknee66

  1. Originally posted by Old Dirty Bastard:

    If you want to better understand the police my suggestion is go on a ride along and see there job first hand.Ride alongs are pretty cool.

    Yup it can certainly change the way some people judge police graemlins/jerkit.gif
  2. worlds in westerville is damned nice. Im there 4 days a week.. The people who work there are very nice. I talk to all of them. Theres a few really cute girls that work there, and a guy that rides and R6, and some other nice people too.


    The "proshop" is probably the nicest one Ive seen at any gym ive ever been to as well.

  3. Ive heard of this before....


    Speed by, lights come on, cop behind you.. radio in for backup. Backup arrives, officer gets out and holds the shotgun to your back window while the other officer comes to your window, pistol drawn yelling at you to get out of the car rite now.


    If they cant see in, and your doing something bad, your asking for a world of hurt :D That story wasnt made up, it actually happened to my boss last summer, and he drives and old arse econo BMW.


    Just be safe dude

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