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Posts posted by dragknee66

  1. To be on BOTH sides here....


    a.) dont knock the DSM POWA'


    b.) stock 3s's actually see low 12s with stock 9Bs. Add 2 14Bs, and adapter plates and a couple small supporting mods, even keep the stock ICs and piping.. 430all wheel hp on pump gas. Its actually the new 3s hotness.


    c.) 3S's can be garbage... I know.. mine is sitting with a spun bearing mod... buying engine sucks, cause they dont rebuild nicely.


    d.) At least there are DSM gods that know what they are doing.. I have YET to see ANY 3S OWNER come any where near what the DSM community has figured out. The fastet 3s record in the US is heald by a guy named Matt on 3si.org and he has YET to see 9s. The only reason the dude sees 10s is because he has a shop and can throw any part he ever wants on the car. He uses turbos that would make a DSM see 7s for crap sake, and he only nets 10s. 10s are fast yes... but not when your using 1000HP turbos.


    Theres a little good and bad on both sides of this story.


    And... PS... FMIC on a stock 3s is a pure waste of cash when stock ICs have seen 11 second passes. Shoulda bought other mods first ;)

  2. Im BEYOND happy they passed this. No offense to the smoking people, but smoking is the MOST discusting habbit there. I hate coming home from a night out, and reak of nothing but smoke.


    If people could be responsible about it and manage to stay in designated smoking areas and such, there wouldnt be a need for a ban. But when you have people flicking ashes everywhere and burning you as you walk.... theres every reason to keep it outside an establishment. It only takes a few to ruin it for the many.


    I think its good manars on a smokers part to want to step outside and stop the polution of the nice pink lungs that wish to stay pink and tar free smile.gif


    PS.. my parents smoking me out of the house when I was young has influenced my harsh attitude towards smokers these days smile.gif

  3. ok, we wait till spring. But, unless you plan on running some serious spray or something, your not going to want to run me. We'll just leave it at that.. Im not speaking of nitrous or some turbo crap either.


    It should be interesting.

  4. lol have a thing for miss amy?


    Its odd how the start of the entire thread had NOTHING to do with girls what so ever. Besides the fact that Dan and her were together had nothing to do with the fact that this thread is about Dan.


    Ive got 2 other lady friends on the side, I dont need a 3rd... beotch smile.gif Not to mention the fact that GC to Polaris is WAY too f'ng far for ANY SORT of relationship in general.


    Girls... :rolleyes:graemlins/jerkit.gif

  5. Im not dying to race at all. No races for me, I think weve established the fact that hes afraid to race.


    Although word on the street says this past weekend he was out messing with some bikes on the highway. And the woman wont even race me. What a shame.

  6. Ah Spaceghost.. youve got it all wrong. This has NOTHING what so ever to do with me and Amy at all. graemlins/nonono.gif


    Its funny that some guys think this way. Not all guys on the planet are out for ass graemlins/gay.gif





    Close this ghey shit, Dan is a punk. Fix that 90 and let me stomp it already. THE END.

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