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Posts posted by dragknee66

  1. was running 433/384 no artifacts. Im just upset it died while doing nothing but sitting still.. I would have loved to watch it melt down or something during gameplay if it HAD TO die hah :D


    Im putting my gaming on hold for a bit while I work on my stealth anyways, that'll keep me busy for a little bit.

  2. Yes I believe thats what I will be getting next.


    Unless I can find a good deal on a 6800GT I can take to Ultra speeds around xmas time.


    I was getting a little sick and tired of the crap frame rate at medium quality settings on CSS anyways. Drops to 25-30fps are SO NOT exceptable.


    Where did you pick up yours Ken? newegg?

  3. True story...


    Had that 9800 Pro with IceQ setup. Been overclocked to XT speeds on its R360 core for about a month now. Thats 1 month of gaming and computer being left on.


    I come home sat night after being out, decide to play some games, turn on my monitor... nothing. No signal. No big deal rite.. turn off machine, turn it back on.. nothing.. no POST, no boot.. nothing. I take out the video card... and the machine boots.


    I take it to work today and pop it in another machine, nothing, no boot, take out the video card.. machine boots fine.


    My expensive ass video card just died while doing NOTHING. Mind you it was overclocked the past month, this is the first Im hearing of a random video card death. I wouldnt be pissed if it fried during game play, but god damnit the machine was at idle when it took a dump on me. No overheating issues with the card or the machine.. My room is probably 66-70 degrees in temp, and the side of my machine case is off and all. Lots and LOTS of people from the hard forum (biggest computer geek forum on the net) have been doing this, and no one else has complained of anything like this.. simply because the newer PROs and XTs are the same cards just different core voltage and clock speeds.


    Go figure graemlins/jerkit.gif Trying to go through the steps of getting a manafacturer replacement, but Im not holding my breath.


    I guess its time for another upgrade ;):D

  4. You are responsible until they register the car. if they are driving around with YOURS tags, then your responsible.


    Just went through a similar thing with my roomate and a car he sold.. buyer didnt switch tags and title, got parking tickets, now BMV demands that my roomate must pay those tickets.


    Contact a lawyer, dont mess around with this one.

  5. Wow.. ya what most of the people here said worked for me too. I was almost the same way in school. The money and awards things worked for me.


    My grandmas sister has a boy my age now.. he was the way your son was, nothing worked for him. He was a HORRIBLE kid, he pissed on his house and did the most worse things you can think of at school... they ended up sending him to military school for a year.. WOW DID THAT CHANGE HIS ASS lol. The kid is straighter than an arrow now.


    If all else fails.. send him away for a year. It sounds bad, but in the end, even he will appreciate what you did for him. Obviously if he never changes and keeps this attitude all through out his schooling years, he wont be much more than a manager at McDonalds by the time hes 30 :(


    Keep us informed though, Im curious now as well.

  6. If you tell them it doesnt have an engine, they wont tow.. Tried that numerous times.


    If you tell them it wont run and they want to pop the hood, just make something else up too hah

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