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Everything posted by dragknee66

  1. dragknee66

    xBox people

    High cap radio shack batts.. You can get a damn 4 pack and quick 15min charger for like 15 bucks even. I havent bought a regular battery in like 10 years I bet no shit
  2. While I was at the gym.... nothing happened. Gee I cant wait for the "OMG SNOW STORM OF 2010 BIGGEST SINCE EARTH HAS EXISTED INCOMING 200 INCHES" warnings when we get a light 0000.5" dusting
  3. Down.. yes.. odd.. AHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhh!
  4. Damnit! If they dont sell Ill take them TOOOO hah
  5. Ya thats a good question.. What about police/fire/military discount stuff?
  6. Ya I wouldnt mind hitting the swap trade thing if someone goes with me that knows what theyre talking about ha
  7. $5 hundo sounds even better.. money left over for lift pass and travel fees
  8. I might make 1 trip to NY or something, who knows.. I just figured in the costs of a nice jacket and nice pants would add a little more. Im totally fine with at least $750 for all that junk listed.
  9. Im cool with dropping at least close to 1k on some good stuff.. does that increase my chances of steering clear or junk hah
  10. Its been about 8 years since Ive had snowboard stuff so Im quite out of the loop. I dont want cheap stuff and I dont need pro stuff.. What should I expect to pay for decent items of the following Board (probably just a freestyle board) Bindings (strap ins) Boots Goggles (Ill probably just get Oakleys hah) Jacket Pants Gloves I need the whole setup again, average price ranges please
  11. Then check this out. Theyve come down in price so much these days. Use this as a boot up drive and an external for storage and youve got yourself a huge speed increase for very little cost. http://www.microcenter.com/single_product_results.phtml?product_id=0334090
  12. Hotcarls says it best. F her. Move along and think nothing of it. Youll find that the older you get, the shadier some woman (and men for the ladies) get as well. If youre the BETTER of the two people youll break contact and just man up and move along. Put the feeling to the side and be the adult about things and ignore her. I think weve all had those types of relationships for sure. Just dont do anything stupid like show up at her work and cause a scene, or drop by thinking he'll be there. The last thing you want to do is put him OR her in the position of having to defend themselves.
  13. dragknee66

    new gun

    you are just a gun buying machine lately!
  14. Im keeping to my saying.... If your dumb enough to speed around 270 in those areas... you deserve the ticket hah.
  15. Your best bet is the XDA or Droid forum for this Chucky
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