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Everything posted by dragknee66

  1. I have 2 of these and only need 1... G27 about 1,000 rounds through it.. perfect shape nice and clean. Ill even throw in 50 rounds to get you started.. Will require your ID upon purchase of course. If you have to ask more questions you dont need to buy it $420. Firm. I bet its gone in a day at that price hah. http://a.imageshack.us/img291/9936/img2078n.jpg
  2. " attached a GPS to the silver Jeep owned by Juan Pineda-Moreno, whom they suspected of growing marijuana, according to court papers." Blame these people????????????????????????????????????????????
  3. hotwire.com is about the best i ever got
  4. The wording of that officers FST is not correct. This person is suspended through ALS for refusal to blow yes correct.
  5. Wow. After all those facts.. I bet he loses his license forever hah. Now THAT kind of kid is the kind that will return to his high school and shoot it up.
  6. Just looking out for YOUR own good Believe it or not theres a few departments these days really interested in tracking these simple goods found on the web. I set up a little buy bust action not long enough with an item off Craigslist.
  7. Fishy. Fishy. Fishy. Be careful with those Steve-O.
  8. Fa real. Ill shoot my shitty little .22 rounds through my AR before Ill chamber some Wolf lols
  9. At least its not Wolf ammo
  10. Ive shot their rifle and handgun ammo, never had a problem that I can recall noper.
  11. Clenzoil you say.. I know the owners of that company, havent spoke to them in a very very long time though!
  12. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs367.snc4/45019_1461786516135_1577631982_1073554_7942245_n.jpg Kimber 45 2009 manaf. Less than 100 rounds through it Selling for a good friend of mine hes looking for spare cash for a big new toy. Asking $1,000 pm me or email
  13. $25 at Koorsen fire located off Rome Hilliard Rd. Ive had quite a few tested there
  14. Im at 24hrs of use right NOW and at 40% left.. thats being used after work.. at night.. and while in the office here it barely gets a damn bar of 1x service (sucking up majority of my battery usage for the day really). This is seriously gods gift to power the Droid 1
  15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VASCAR
  16. Thats considered a weaksauce ticket in my book
  17. Verizon store or online.. Droid 2 extended batt, comes with new door. Ive heard it fits the dock yes, you just have to smoosh it in a bit, Ill try it out later today and post.
  18. Off charge 4pm.. moderate use since then, full brightness, email sync.. only down to 80% right now.. LOVE this batt!!
  19. No thanks on the X I'm happy with my custom roms
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