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Everything posted by dragknee66

  1. Get a good TV you cheap woman!
  2. Ya the super flush ones are jet powered or something hah.
  3. Has anyone tried Rosetta Stone? I was thinking about trying the Spanish one. Anyone?
  4. Posting this from the event. Its pretty nice really. Much larger than I expected for sure. Ill be sticking around to see what this is all about
  5. "So what IS Curious George like in real life" hah. Good quote. Im going to wear a RED shirt and shorts just to stick out then
  6. ^ what goes on up there
  7. I remember who you are too, Ill look for you while Im up that way.
  8. Anyone else heading up to the Irish fest? Im rolling up around 5.. Ive never been there.. shocking I know
  9. Ya I dunno about that one.
  10. dragknee66

    Off Topic

    OH YEAH.. take that scotty. (no gun pic sry) http://img297.imageshack.us/img297/8980/img00076si1.jpg
  11. I had one shipped to me like this once as well. best way to do it really.
  12. HAH Oh man the things I would like to say at work.. I cant list lol
  13. My brother lives there.. fuckers! If I wasnt working here I would move there in a HEARTBEAT. Also.. at least in Cali the woman take care of themselves.. unlike the obese, carefree, McDonalds eating, hey lets to go taco bell at 3am, unhealthy, never go to the gym, lets smoke a pack a day, i wanna drink till I gain 20lbs OHIO women. *sigh*
  14. Sweet. Ill figure something out and pick it up off of one of you fellas thanks! Ill probably have time tmrw or later this week to grab it. Blunt thanks for the tip on that too. I called around to so many different places and couldn't find a damn thing!
  15. That would be great if I can borrow it for a few days. If I could get it in the next few days that would be awesome. Ill probably do the conversion this weekend now, probably sunday. Can I keep it for a few days then?
  16. Im doing a brake conversion on the goat and need a tap. I really dont want to spend $50 freakin dollars on a whole kit just for 1 tool and 5mins of use. Needed to borrow M14 x 1.5 mm tap. Whats in it for you?? Some beer or food for the use.
  17. wow lol First off thats very odd for them to write you into court PERIOD for that.. second its very odd to write it for appearance in 2 freakin days. I dunno what to say there.. he might not have had a clue what he was doing. Some guys I know that have worked down south there have described FTO as a "throw you the keys and say go at it" kinda thing.
  18. Ya thats pretty sweet. Im going to start picking up small 22s just because theyre so damn cheap to shoot!
  19. Keep them.. cause after moving youll move again a few months after that.
  20. Hm ya. Way west. Mens warehouse didnt think of that though. I shall call
  21. So I have 3 shirts and 2 pairs of pants that I need altered. The normal girl everyone used went to OSP to do uniforms and we lost her Anyone have suggestions on a place with quick turn around time and that isnt 20 freakin dollars a shirt (insane.)
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