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Everything posted by dragknee66

  1. I saw it.. awesome as hell. I will go see it again
  2. Putty I may have a buyer for your 2jig there
  3. Friend have police report with vin listed? Take report.. go look at quad... compare.. if good match call police and show back up.. profit.
  4. Damn it gets more mpgs then my beater truck hah
  5. Very nice!!! I lold at the "police are members" part too
  6. BAHAHAHAHA HERE IT IS!!! They dont show her hot little friend though... http://static.toptorrents.org/images/182415/53872.jpg
  7. Im reminded of the episode of cops in Vegas... where the dude pulls over the 2 lesbos in the white mustang.. and she is suspended.. he makes them both get out.. and they are wearing only string bikinis. THAT would probably do it for me
  8. Flirting never works for MEEE.. Not even when hot tipsy 40yr old strippers try and offer...
  9. there you go. Thats pretty funny stuff
  10. Me too. I literally lold the whole time reading all the bitching. I bitch a lot too sometimes.. it makes me feel better seeing everyone else bitch toooo!
  11. Probably because you spend all your money on M$ game points for xbox or something
  12. . I giggle when people think they can "just learn IT" and go pick up a high paying job. Its just not something youre going to do.
  13. Inside information. lol Dumbest post.. ever.
  14. I was pulling some serious bandwidth last night during a download.. I think the people in my area are just too poor for internet, its great!
  15. Ya thats a whole new level of fail for sure.
  16. Thats interesting.. let me know how that works out for you Oh and if you didnt live down in Canal BFE your internet quality may be a little better
  17. Sounds like a plan actually. I think Ill show up too
  18. ^ damn girl.. thats a serious issue. I have failed everyone in this thread.. no pics yet.. I promise tonight while I play the thing all night instead of work (change schedule) hah
  19. Hah ya.. If mine ever RROD.. Ill get it back from M$ and throw it in a PC case with some serious ass coolage. Until then Ill work with my fan setup
  20. Hah yup.. just posted before ya on that one
  21. ^ post some pics of yours.. I will snap a couple phone pics later tonight and throw them up here. My fans emit red and blue light lol
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