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Everything posted by dragknee66

  1. I built an extreme cooling solution for mine lol Ive had it since beginning of winter and no problems. When I DO play, Ill sit down for 5-8hours at a time non stop and play. The sides of the case stay cool like its never been turned on. I have a plexiglass stand with 2 80mm fans underneath the 360 and 2 120mm fans out back sucking out air. The air out the back is noticably warmer from the time you turn on the 360.. to the time you start playing and things warm up. Cost me about $85 bucks to make though. Steep yes, however if it keeps me from going RROD Ill take it.
  2. Ive had 5 of them thank you. They are ok until modded like that one.. they are money pits. Youll regret it if you trade Im tellin ya.
  3. Bike for DSM.. worse mistake youll ever make
  4. When my 5.7L gets almost the same damn milage as a 2.5L and a 2.0L does... thats sad Im sorry.
  5. You beat me to it.. wtf guy in back
  6. Ya seriously. Everyone needs to cool it for a little while damn. Even meeting at this point is going to grab everyones attention, AND police attention for sure. Lay low for a few weeks then find a new spot.
  7. I still dont see where stopping traffic on a major state highway could be considering "out of proportion" though?
  8. think people have just known but tempted fate anyway
  9. Ya insurance companies will have a nice field day if convicted on these for sure
  10. Meh thats what I meant.. Im use to writing more MMs for 30 days
  11. *shhh* please children. Lets keep the thread related to the topic of the hour not a bitch fest k
  12. I would have lold too at that. Not all of us are uncool :asshole:
  13. Gallery back up and damn there are some familiar faces in it
  14. Basically if theyre incarcerated they don’t have to be allowed bail rite off the bat. They may be in there until Monday at this point if there is no duty judge there until then.
  15. Largest early sat morning thread in the history of CR in the making rite here
  16. Sounds like it happened up there. I wouldnt be shocked if they even get more jail time out of this after sentencing for the convictions. M1 = 30 days in jail and $1000 fine. I wouldnt think they would get hit with all of that but up there in Deleware Co things run a little different.
  17. Getting off easy? Hah, not in Deleware county no.
  18. They are $400 brand spanking new. $350?
  19. Im shocked it took this many summers before it happened actually *Edit* Space up for rent... many dollars for 2nd post on a CR historic event.
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