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Everything posted by Boost-n-Juice

  1. This re-post is so old that dog would be atleast 100 years old by now. (human years anyway).
  2. Is it me or do you not even know what exactly you are applying for?
  3. Just remember it could always be worse. I just got done spending 4 hours trying to find my Best Friend's 2 year old boy who wandered off this afternoon. I've never felt so scared and helpless in my entire life. Local News, K9's, Detectives everywhere...The boy was next door the entire time. He went in the unlocked back sliding of my friends neighbors house. The neighbors were not home and he was just inside chillin. WOW.
  4. Nothing wrong with being prepaired, the Polar Ice caps are melting at a higher rate these days.
  5. I used to know a Brian Mead. I have a nice 20' Cuddy Cabin Cruiser, it's sitting up at the lake waiting for a test drive. Just let me know and we'll get that Mustang out of your driveway.
  6. SamZMan is into soccer I think.
  7. right on. I'm always out on Alum on the weekends. We do the fish/camp type thing. You got my number. We can show you the "honey holes" if Catfish is your game.
  8. Glad you found a boat. You should have stopped by and checked out mine. Enjoy!
  9. I'm alive! Whoo hoo! The past few days have been one big Morphine induced dream, but it feels good to be home and on the road to recovery. I really appreciate all of your thoughts and kind words. Thanks again and hope to see you all soon! BC
  10. I will be going in for a pretty major surgery tomorrow morning, actually in about 7 hours or so. The power of prayer is an amazing thing and I would appreciate the gesture. This is a perfect example of how CR is a more than just a "Car Club", we're a family and I know CR will do whatever it can to make sure my family is taken care of...so with that said I just want to say, Thank You. BC Just remember, there are no problems, only opportunities!
  11. You already sanded down the car? I would have bought this thing 2 weeks ago. You're killing me son!
  12. I think they are just looking for attention with the whole LSX in a Mustang Chassis project. There are SB Fords making 2000+HP, streetable horsepower. The whole LS* hype is overated, that's the bottom line. I'm currently building a short block that is capable of 1200+ and my block is good for over 2000. Where is my cookie? WRX or Viper Blue FTW.
  13. Hard to believe it's dumped. Just goes to show how much restriction the stock H-Pipe has. Here is my junk, in a few variations... Click here to watch Vert-32
  14. This is my boy Preston... http://img2.putfile.com/thumb/8/21217025671.jpg http://img2.putfile.com/thumb/8/21217025699.jpghttp://img2.putfile.com/thumb/8/21217025692.jpghttp://img2.putfile.com/thumb/8/21217025555.jpg
  15. Whatever happen to the Cobra?
  16. ^ damn that's a good idea! AMY - when you come down for Bradenton NMRA - I'll be right across the bridge in Tampa. I'll see you around 4 sure.
  17. I've only had to move a few times in my life, the last time being from Hilliard to GC when we had our house built 7 years ago! The U-Haul was loaded down with 80% "hand-me-downs" and half way to the new house I said screw this and took a detour to the Salvation Army. Whatever they didn't want went in the dumpster next door. Now...over the past 7 years I've accumulated a ton of "stuff", to some (my wife) would consider junk. It's mainly garage/car stuff but it's basically stuff that isn't worth much of anything to most. It's the little stuff that you hang on to forever and then one day throw it out because you get sick of not having enough room. Then sure enough the time comes when you or someone you know could have used that piece, part, tool or whatever. I know I need to have a Yard Sale and after that I will have a better idea where I stand, but where do you draw the line? I know 7 years ago it felt really good donating/throwing all that stuff away and then starting over. This time we're moving to Florida so the less I have to move, the easier and cheaper it will be. Ok, I'm done rambling.
  18. You going to have Turner drive it?...hahaahaha!
  19. Trade for a nice Cuddy boat?
  20. Seriously though, shouldn't flying Apex Seals be on that list? Ok, I'm done. Sorry.
  21. http://www.filmcement.org/rummage/images/Cat_Shit.jpg
  22. http://www.foulwords.com/images/Foul_words_pic_poo.jpg
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