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Everything posted by Boost-n-Juice

  1. Boost-n-Juice

    NMRA Columbus

    gas prices? I dunno. Cock LX was at his best. Cheese-n-Rice!
  2. Boost-n-Juice

    NMRA Columbus

    I'm still going to belly bop you. You will go to an NMRA event one of these days! If you don't it would be like dying a virgin.
  3. Boost-n-Juice

    NMRA Columbus

    Honestly if the "Big Ballers" think they have what it takes and the $$ to back it up then they should go to Hooters tonight. I guarantee you will find your race.
  4. Boost-n-Juice

    NMRA Columbus

    Rednecks? Have you been to a Chevy event? I've been to all of them... Ford, Chevy, Mopar and the Ford scene is the most repsectable group of racers BY FAR! Remind me to belly bop you the next time I see you. ;-)
  5. Boost-n-Juice

    NMRA Columbus

    I know Ant better than that. NMRA > *
  6. dyno queen. Torque is what moves the car. Still impressive though.
  7. Cleveland just went from the most poorest city in the US, to #3 in the Nation because this guy moved there... http://www.etruth.com/media/NewsPhotos/25826_websm.jpg
  8. http://www.mdgridiron.umd.edu/terps/TerpsInTheNFL.html
  9. Most kids do not have the patience at the age of 14 or 15 to work on junker. If he's a gearhead like his dad he should already be out in the garage learning already. Have him get a job. Tell him to save as much money as he can and you'll match it when he turns 16. I think he'll learn a more valuable life lesson this way.
  10. Man Kyle you are on it! Anytime 1320Video is mentioned on this board you know about. Impressive and keep up the great work!
  11. I'm not sure. You could contact Paxton and see if they have the brackets etc. I think the 4.6 model is inverted. Not sure though. 888-9-PAXTON (toll free)
  12. The one in my Sig pic was NMRA @ trails in like '03, 4th Gear burnout FTW. It was my first and LAST burnout contest. I made 100+ people evacuate the staging lane area. I'm still pulling chunks of rubber out of my wheel wells. Not worth it! It was featured in a Magizine and on ESPN which was cool. Whoo hoo.
  13. Hey Rob is it from a Fox or SN95? They list a different part number for Fox's.
  14. They usually have tons of Cherokee's because they are junk. $1 to get in - cash No you can not drive your car in there. Try not to drive anything nice there because people break into cars in the parking lot all the time. Try to park up front even if you have to wait for a spot. Yes they take credit cards. 411.com is an amazing thing... 2716 Groveport Road, Lockbourne, OH 43137 http://www.picknpull.com (614) 497-8858
  15. I need a brake booster for a '95 Mustang. Has anyone ever rebuilt one? Mine has a leak.
  16. 5 generations of my family have lived in Hilliard. I've watched it change into what it is today. 7 years ago we chose to build our first house in GC for several reasons and the major reason being how "fake" Hilliard has become. It's like they are always trying to keep up with Dublin. Part of the problem is you have people from every level of income. $100k houses up to Millions. The Doctor who is my current neighbor is in responsible for ensuring proper procedures are followed in the Hilliard school district. It's a mess. He doesn't even want to live in Hilliard. Sad. If we were not moving to Florida our next move was going to be more of a small town setting, like Plain City, Marysville, Delaware etc...
  17. Its for a '95, but I think the springs are the same for most years. Let me know what you have. Thanks
  18. Explorer Width between wheel mounting surfaces is 59.75", f 150 is 60.25" plus the bolt battern is different. Ya herrr Bump for a good deal. This would sell quick on http://www.ohio4x4.com
  19. Good form. I give it an 8.
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