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Posts posted by Doug1647545489

  1. How many NASCAR shows do you need, really?


    Pre NASCAR, post NASCAR, NASCAR insider, NASCAR pit strategy, NASCAR trucks, and my personal favorite, NASCAR race day.


    NASCAR race day? Do you really need an entire program dedicated to 40 some cars driving in a circle all day? College football gameday makes sense, NASCAR gameday? No so much.


    God I hate NASCAR.


    I don't watch Speed for this reason. I miss Speedvision :(

  2. ALso, with draft-racing, where's the worry that a pass won't work? Once they get more speed, they're past. What about picking a better line through theturn, or trying to make a pass stick after late braking? None of that is there. You just get a draft, pick up a couple cars in your wake and drive past the guy ahead of you... woo... yeah...


    Restricter plate racing is way more complicated than that. Passing has a lot more to do with what's going on behind you than what you're doing. You can go from 1st to last in a heart beat.

  3. Why don't they just institue a blanket WHP rule? With a minimum weight, that would equate to a set power to weight ratio.. If a team protests that another is makign too much power, they strap the car to a dyno and find out.


    Then I would be out of a job. Fuck Spec classes.

  4. :nod:



    EFI would be a cool thing to see, but I'm wondering how they'll regulate it? With the carb'd set ups the restrictor plate cuts the power. Will there be a blanket ECU tune? Throttle stop? Smaller throttle body?


    Yes, They would have one identical spec ECU that they would hand out to the teams before each race.

  5. Well being that it is only a year old, there's probably something wrong with it if you weren't playing with the configuration.


    Unless you have a service plan, HH Gregg is going to tell you to contact the manufacture.

  6. I'm not a big fan of chain high end steakhouses. I'd rather find a local place. When I used to travel, my co-worker and I would try to find the best local steakhouse and go there for at least one dinner. In Denver we went to Elways (it was ok), Indy it's alway St. Elmo. Here in Charlotte, I love Mickey and Mooches.


    For the chains, I've had pretty good success with Capital Grille. S&W is decent too.


    For C-bus I liked HP. Dublin or High street locations.

  7. I once thought that, until I saw them run at Sonoma this season. I dunno if it's the newer cars or what but it was painful watching them try and wrestle those things around the track. They looked like they were having a hard time getting the suspension settings sorted. On the plus side, it was a little more exciting them watching Indycars run 85 parade laps at Mid Ohio.


    We finished 2nd so I thought it was very exciting. :)

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