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Posts posted by Doug1647545489

  1. I split mine up. 50% 401K (no matching which blows), 25% in other mutual funds, and the other 25% is my play money in the stock market.


    I'd do a Roth instead of the mutuals funds, but I want to be able to use that money for a downpayment for a house at some point. I believe there is a penalty for withdrawing from a Roth early.

  2. If I remember correctly he was busted in some computer equipment theft ring. Did some time in the slammer.


    Didn't take long for old habits to come back ;)


    I always thought the dude was shady as hell. I hope Hoblick is in the clear and I hope if Nick did use him to tear apart a stolen car, he goes back to jail for a lot longer.

  3. For Fed Ex here you can pick it up at the holding facility after 7 PM.


    I still hate Fed Ex too. I ship a lot of stuff to N.C. UPS ground always only takes two days. Had to ship something Fed-EX last week, took 6 days. It took three days to get down to Columbus and then another three to get to N.C. If I order something from OH UPS ground, 99% of the time it's here the next morning.

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