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Everything posted by Doug1647545489

  1. If its like my GA which it should be its pretty simple. DO it yourself.
  2. I think you have to have a cut off switch to kill the car... Maybe if you still want to do it hide the switch underneath the license plate.
  3. Berto does is and even though he thinks its good I think its a pain in the ass.
  4. Sweet, thanks.... Berto come give me a ride smile.gif
  5. thanks, Don't know if I'll be out because my car is in pieces. I'll try. If you see berto or Scott, I guess they can get it for me. But I'll try and borrow my dads car smile.gif
  6. yeah i tries lowes, home depot,,, ideally 5/8s barbed - 1/2 pipe thread. As tight as turn as possible.
  7. Yeah I have. Thanks Mark I figures 10 AN would be around 1/2 5/8s. Its the fitting that will tap into the oil pan on the return line. THe one that I tapped it for is straight and it will not work. It needs to be 90 degree.
  8. Roughy how big is 10 AN. I can't find a conversion for it to inches. What does AN stand for ?
  9. Can't find this anywhere locally. The two websites that I could have bought this from I guess stopped paying for there domain name and are down. Its the 90 degree fitting on the right. It has to be that fitting exactly for clearance issues. thanks http://www.anyturbo.com/Oil-line%20Kits/dscf0017oilreturnpanfittings.jpg
  10. I have to get this stock wastegate assembly/ mini dp from my nissan turbo cut. The problem is the metal is dense and thick as hell. Robs sawzal thing could only cut into it like 1/4" after 15 mins. He said a really nice ban saw would do it. Anybody wanna help me out?
  11. I heard the rev-hard kit is nicer. Full Race is also a very nice kit. www.full-race.com oh wai nevermind. Thought you had a si
  12. hmm Thats what I was thinking. Anybody have a tap I could use? Now the hose, does it have the fittings on the end or is it just hose. When I start adding all the parts up for a DIY kit it turns out more expensive then a regular custom oil line kit. But I sill need to get the oil feed flange tapped because the kit does come with one.
  13. My turbo came with a flange but it used a metal line and they just cut that. Will a high heat/pressure hose clamped onto that be enough? I see most other kits screw on but I don't want to buy another flange if I don't have to. Whats the most oil pressure does the average 4 cyc see? I'm guessing the hose will pop off thats why most screw in.
  14. I heard this kids graemlins/gay.gif
  15. These is gonna turn into a good debate. I heard that clutch breakin is not needed. cough rl cough
  16. Damn! what do you do if you want an aftermarket one. Lose your HVAC controls ! smile.gif
  17. Most GMs do have a code. If taken it out of a car and then put it back in any car it will ask for a Code. Most of the time in GMs its 0000 unless the owner had changed it which I doubt. I never have even touched mine. If you can't get it, take it into a dealership for that make. If they are nice they will hook you up.
  18. Because the bolt is really really old and has been in their for probably 10 + years. Its Seized like a mofo. The threads on the part where is does stick out are totally gne from rusting.
  19. I guess I'll just wait until we make the pipes smile.gif smile.gif
  20. Don't know. Its a bolt. The last person that had it I guess snapped the head off But I can still use it if I drill a hole where the bolt was.
  21. Is there a special bit I need to buy and will a conventional one-way drill work. Because my regular bits arn't doing shit lol. http://www.liquidninja.net/quads/images/smilies/banana.gif
  22. They mostly catch people rushing to get to the airport
  23. Check you pms Soupe Nazi. I'm going to bed though so I'll talk to you tommorrow
  24. ok first I'm not going to buy your subs smile.gif I can't have that much extra weight/ less space in my trunk. If I was going to go all out I wouldn't get MTX anyways. I was just wondering if anybody had one. And how do they like it.
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