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Posts posted by Orion

  1. Mind blowing. I think Jarmo and Torts are safe.


    Honestly, I think just about every team in the world is hitting up Torts' agent like, "Uh, ya'll got any more of that intermission speech?"

  2. Oh sweet, simple, DJ. I really thought you knew better. If you still believe, after knowing me for well over a decade, that what I say/put up here or even on FB is "putting my life online" you're far more naive than I ever thought. There's a lot I do that I never post and a lot I post that I never do. :lol:


    You've known me, what, 18 years or so? You couldn't even pick my 2 kids out of a line up. I don't post them all over social media. I don't post what I'm eating. In CB I will chit chat with buddies about what I'm doing and that's about the extent of it. ;)


    It's cute that you think that.


    You literally have a podcast that is put online weekly, and your own forging youtube channel, along with having been on an episode of a TV show as one of the main "characters" (like, not an extra). Everyone else on here that can claim those three things, raise your hand. Your life is more "online" than the majority of the folks on CR, bruh. Me being able to pick your kids out of a lineup has less to do with me being able to discern what they look like, and more to do with me not caring to know what ANYONE'S kids look like.

  3. Really well actually. Already got booked for 6 blacksmithing gigs total this year (all paying and turned down 1 other) PLUS sales, sold a $200 knife with sheath a couple weeks ago, finished 3 commissioned re-handles/revamp's of old blades with 4 more in the works, and have the books closed because I'm not wanting to take on more since I'm starting a new career that pays far more than I was making which also provides a company vehicle and credit card yet leaves me kind of uncertain schedule wise (although I basically make my own now it seems) and don't want to have customers left in the dark since I have an order of 50-100 handle jobs potentially. I also have or have lined up to make a few grand already this year playing music. I really appreciate your concern. How's the lawyering and the 3 pedal automatic non-running GTO coming along?


    Check your grammar and yourself. I don't put my entire life online.


    Be Otis, put your life online, claim you don't put your life online.



  4. I now realize from what I've observed that - indeed - he's all hat and no cattle. Watching FoxNews and his Twitter feed 65% of the day, hiding his tax returns and being self-defensive about his tiny hands, paying off porn-stars who still comment about his Toadstool dick, and making moronic comments in public. He's a joke. The only thing saving him is the business community knows he's not going to lift a finger to maintain regulatory stress on many industries.


    I love you, Clay. Clay pretty much wins the thread with that, mostly on the basis that it is coming from someone who actually voted for the man.

  5. To my knowledge taking unemployment benefits has never effected my wife or myself for job consideration. She even got lucky during the recession and got two years paid at 80%. it was a great help as she got to be home with our new born and 4 yr old.


    I agree with the above about getting anything in writing involving the time period and situation since many times she could be cut loose at the end of the furlough.


    Personally I'd the unemployment and enjoy the time off, you pay into it and its a rare opportunity to get something back.



  6. If memory serves correctly, 10 years ago today we lost a true CR OG, and a damn good guy. During your St. Patricks day joviality, try and remember to pour a little out for Kenny today, CR.
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