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Posts posted by Orion

  1. In the New America winnings will be divided among everyone including illegals.


    That said, in have $20 on each and if I win I'll buy Kerry a used 911 and sponsor a track day for all. :)


    Sent from my Galaxy Note 8 using Tapatalk


    And you'd still be a multi-millionaire. Life sucks in the New America, eh?


    I got my duckets as well.

  2. For real, and I’m sorry for starting this thread. In other news I have tickets to the next crew game I’m selling for $675 a piece. Trying to sell these to support my cocaine habit.



  3. So, ROI is going to be an issue for a while, boys...but these folks still end up selling to folks who are more interested in being green than $. Some folks prioritize different things. It's a hard sell in the midwest, though. Much easier in the southwest.
  4. Solar, in Ohio, is most likely a minimum of a 10 year payback. And that's me assuming that prices have come down since I was in the energy space.


    SolarCity is a good place to reach out as well. We partnered with them in the past, they were good to work with. Most places will work out a "lease" type agreement with you, where you don't have to "buy" the rooftop solar, but instead agree to an electricity price over time, and they do the maintenance and such.

  5. Addiction is not a disease.



    The majority of the medical community disagrees with you, sir.



    EDIT: Allow me to say, however, that I struggled with the same belief that it was all about choice as a younger man, dealing with my mother's addictions. I didn't like the idea of letting her off the hook for her actions, especially since they personally affected me in a negative way. What helped me is understanding that many diseases have choices as their root cause. Diabetes, Heart Disease, COPD...diseases, yes? But for many people, they are brought about as a result of choices they have made in their lives. Would you withhold insulin for someone who developed type 2 later in their life, just because "fuck them, they made their choice"? What about something like Atorvastatin for high blood pressure/cholesterol? Those folks deal with those consequences, just like an addict who is trying to get clean does. And addicts, just like those folks, will deal with further consequences if they don't take the issue seriously. Understanding the issue as a disease does not absolve them of their responsibility in the matter. But it also allows a certain amount of understanding and compassion in the treatment of such. Some folks want to live in a more anarchist/libertarian society, where everyone is only ever beholden to their own personal responsibility, and if thats you, then more power to you. But the reality is that we don't currently live in that world, and others need help beyond each of our own social circles. Just allowing yourself some outside perspective may do you some good.

  6. :lolguy: is that what a groan issue looks like? or more of a :no:


    Perhaps I should have used quotation marks to indicate the attempt at "teh funneh". If you've never heard a groin referred to as either a "groan" or a "grow-in", I'm guessing you never "sportsed" in your middle school/high school years.

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