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Posts posted by Orion

  1. Well, given that the location in Sunbury has had their incidental traffic go up by like 1000% in the last few year due to the outlet mall (and it will continue to go up as they build that new amusement park up there), it probably is a pretty damned good move.


    Lebatard and Stugots are the WORST. I would rather stab myself in the ear with an ice pick than listen to their show


    Agreed. LeRetard can just go get fucked. And take that idiot Rube-Gots with him.



    I actually liked Straight Outta Vegas on 105.7. Having a professional gamblers perspective on sports is interesting to me. Plus they discussed all these nuggets that mainline sports shows don't mention.

  3. I may catch crap for this, but anything having to do with common man during the day on 97.1 is terrible.


    Fixed. Those two clowns are fucking awful. Bishop and Laurinitis are passable. Carpenter is meh as a radio guy.


    I'd rather have Cowherd and Rome on my radio dial any day than what we currently have. Even Golic and Wingo is trash now. Mike Jr. needs to never, ever be on a radio...anywhere.

  4. So....this would be a fantastic setup at a fantastic price for anyone who wants a dire wolf computer at a adolescent coyote price. GLWS. I'm highly tempted to pickup that Titan, but my sea hawk 1080 is plenty for me right now.


    EDIT: Just realized it's a Maxwell (reading owns me). Makes my comment about the 1080 sound uppity, didn't mean it to. Still, more card than you need to run just about anything but the latest and greatest at max settings.

  5. Before I was married, I never got a refund. Married a pastor, started getting pretty legit refunds. It hurts quite a bit, not being able to deduct unreimbursed expenses, though.


    I get the feeling that a LOT of people are going to find that they did not withhold enough this year.

  6. This was great to hear yesterday!


    Whoever the QB ends up being next year (*cough* Fields *cough*), they will have some pretty exciting receivers to throw to. Fun fact: Hill needs only 48 more catches to finish as the career leader in receptions at tOSU. That record is currently held by David Boston (who was an absolute freak show).


    I'm honestly freaking pumped about Olave and Wilson. Parris Campbell is on record as saying that Olave is better than any of the seniors were this year ALREADY, and if you watched the All-American game, you saw that Wilson is an absolute beast.

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