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Everything posted by Orion

  1. Honestly, where exactly do I find the information on these plans?
  2. AHHH!!! I freaking LOVED that game!!!!
  3. Which years had which engines?
  4. Since I am actually one of the answers to the "are you OG" test, I suppose I'm in. :-)
  5. When I was in England, I went to the National Cemetery in Cambridge. It's a very reverent feeling that you get walking through that place. Just really sinking in that each of those monuments represents someone.
  6. Queue Tom Petty singing "Free Fallin'".....
  7. Ok, that makes much more sense. Still, you have the right approach there. "Can we use this tech in other, less expensive cars?" If the answer is "yes", then you just paid for that research...
  8. Man, at first I was like "Because they are poor, dumbass. They NEED to know how much shit costs.", and then I read the link and was like, "Oh, you aren't selling anything..." So, yeah, something I learned a while back is that, unless you are real tight with someone, you don't ask them how much they paid for their shit.
  9. Look, I get that it's straight dope....but really, it costs $8.xx million to manufacture each one? That's ridiculous. I mean, at what point do you say, "maybe we should try and be a LITTLE efficient....maybe....."
  10. Listening to Caxide and Mike discuss national monetary policy makes me feel like a proud uncle. No joke.
  11. I use it about 50% of the time I am referring to the offspring of the unwashed masses.
  12. Ran over three crotch fruits on my way to work this morning, zero fucks given.
  13. Yup. There was vid a while back of a Golden Eagle basically pimp slapping a Honey Badger (!) into submission and then eating it's food while it cowered under the dead animal. Wish I could find it.... A fucking honey badger, bitches.
  14. Goddamn, nothing like putting the creep up on a fucking crocodile... Love how the cat just fucking strolls away with it in its mouth like it s a fucking chew toy or some shit.
  15. I was waiting for a pic of one in a pool, or a tree or something.
  16. Damn, that's pretty awesome (Not the death toll, that is terrible...I meant the fact that we just witnessed geological history)
  17. It's ugly. Sorry, don't care how badass it is, it looks like shit.
  18. Guiton would make an awesome scout team QB for a number of NFL squads (especially as so many of them are trying to figure out defending the zone read). I really hope he gets picked up next year for that. Dude won't ever see the field, but he could be a very important member of the organization.
  19. Suffice to say, If Miller decides to go pro this year, next years QB battle will be the talk of the offseason at tOSU.
  20. Wow, I didn't see that play. I'm with LJ, that is totally on the refs. Fucking terrible.
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