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Everything posted by Sam1647545489

  1. And I will bring you a rice krispie treat for your troubles.
  2. I got brackets at jegs this morning, but thanks Matt for the offer. I need to get some nitrous. The bottle is outdated and they wont fill it. Josh if you get this in time, I will buy that one off of you tomorrow to use if you can remember to bring it. I am 100% ready to go for tomorrow. Cant wait.
  3. Pretty much yes. Just gotta get a set of bottle brackets and a jet.
  4. Gonna pull a late night tonight to get the spray kit hooked up after work today. Then tomorrow after work do alil testing and then I will be ready to roll.
  5. http://www.reidonly.net/shoots/shoot-051009/images/DSC_5838.jpg I love these things, had them on mine and wouldnt put any other wheel on it.
  6. The comments are better then the actual story..
  7. http://forums.offtopic.com/images/smilies/mamoru2.gif
  8. Put mine in with shantons, I will see him before I prolly see you. TIA.
  9. Its gonna be a monster Steve. Look forward into seeing how she does with the new setup.
  10. Sam1647545489


  11. http://forums.offtopic.com/images/smilies/kekekegay.gif
  12. You should feel privileged to be racing me jew boy.
  13. Got Jasons, lock this up or whatever.
  14. Well when I talked to Coan I told them I wanted a convertor that is for a car that will make 550rwhp but I ended up making a ton less so the convertor is for a higher hp car and is tighter then I need it to be, had it been alot looser then it would be ok, it just locks up to fast and doesnt let the car get into boost before locking up. So I could take out the trans and send it to coan and get the correct one or just add a small shot to get the car rollin and then let the boost take over. The easier way was with the nitrous for now. When I yank the motor out this winter then I will get the correct convertor.
  15. That actually turned out pretty cool looking but only if you plan on offroading it and putting it to use, otherwise you are just a poser...
  16. Haha, that is very true, but I got more then enough turbo on the car that I would not need the spray for any more added power. Like said before the spray is to just get the car off the line then it will shut off.
  17. I am hooking up a 50 shot to the car to get it to leave then the spray will turn off as soon as the boost comes on. Spray will be from 3200 to 4000 in first gear only. That is the only way I can get it to leave or else I will be stuck cutting 2.2 60's.
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