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Everything posted by Sam1647545489

  1. I would be up to hosting a game at my place. I got ample room to have everyone over but I do not have any card tables. Anyone got ones that can be transported?
  2. http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t214/ls2sam/kittay.jpg
  3. The winner sent me asshole pics so I told everyone on fb to vote for her. :gabe:
  4. LOL its on the bottom of the lake, how the hell do we know. :dumb:
  5. Thats what I am seeing more and more. I just need to buy the handle bars, seat and rear hump tail. Everything else will more then likely be in house made.
  6. You are suppose to still have it removed due to EPA regulations with the gas and oil in the ski.
  7. These threads are getting alil creepy now. :no:
  8. Linn is fine. A boot on the driveshaft that keeps the water out popped off again while in the middle of the lake. He took off to try to make it back to the trailer and didnt make it. I saw the him goin down and tried to get there as fast as I could but by the time I got there the ski was prolly already 10ft down. We have talked to the state police, they are suppose to have a diver coming tomorrow to fish a line to it and then crane it out. Its close to the dock so hopefully it doesnt move to much on the bottom.
  9. You didnt see me making any posts about being with girls, cause like Brian said, I be about it, not post about it. :dumb:
  10. Guys that are with girls usually dont post while with them unless there are no girls. :fa:
  11. http://cotforsale.com/camping%20cot.jpg http://www.destination360.com/north-america/us/nevada/las-vegas/images/s/las-vegas-hoover-dam.jpg Thats amazing. I feel like you guys will have the world record soon enough.
  12. I'll give you my internet status on this site. :fuckyeah:
  13. I heard the 500 ascot is the best bike to make into one of these kinds of bikes.
  14. Lettuce see some pics of these bikes that people say they have. I love these lil things. This is exactly the look I am goin for. http://www.caferacer.ca/caferacer_cms/images/stories/caferacer/photoid30500.jpg
  15. I am looking for something I can enjoy riding as I get up in my age. :fa: Nothing to race, just roll to bike night and what not and hang out.:megusta:
  16. Linns ski is now at the bottom of Alum Creek. We are talking to the state police people here on how to fish it out. Details to come..:no:
  17. I am the predecessor of "The most interesting man in the world" :fuckyeah:
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