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Everything posted by Buck531

  1. Were you the Hilltop Creeper?
  3. http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2778/4470830108_6823bc7c66_z.jpg http://i35.tinypic.com/mt9qw7.jpg
  4. Because Admin figured he'd want to steal my flare and post it as his own? :megusta::gabe:
  5. Twas not I. I didn't see anything until I woke up this morning. You made it racist.. not me. but thanks for playing. This.
  6. Eh.. sorta. Peeps with similar mods are trapping 105.
  7. Buck531


    Welfare lol http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTDTAsIOKKVUa4KQYyicM5X7_N_RaeaV8XrlHdjD6wgaJtI-BWMx6K3KJXeDw
  8. yeah.. the tune was just adding a little fuel. put the timing back down. The first run I made was the 13.9 with the pulley I ran you on last weekend but more timing. I put on the smaller pulley, 3-4 degrees less timing and went 13.3. The rest of the day I coudn't get out of 13.5. shrug.
  9. Thanks. I pulled out the power passenger seat (60 lbs) and the rear seat which was about 50). So maybe a tenth there. Wouldn't mind a rematch with you now that I have the smaller pulley on and tuned for it .
  10. Thanks.. Coulda/Woulda/shoulda/ hit a 12 with 1.8 60' but I dont' think that'll EVER happen at trails with a FWD car.
  11. http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk314/buck531/CAM00199.jpg?t=1348889519 :gabe::fa:
  12. This. My son wore down the pad to nothing on the drivers side. Put some nice grooves in it. It was still within spec so it was turned. 6 times there. Good stuff.
  13. Thanks for the pics Wags.
  14. I know. You had the maxima when you went to get your slip she didnt have it. I had both of them
  15. Heh the lady gave me both time slips. Thats why i stopped and was waving my hand out the window.
  16. Yeah my best time was at 10:21.. couldn't do jack after that.
  17. Sucks the limit was one per customer. Oh well.
  18. Sweet.. thanks. Son is on his way there now.
  19. http://www.cnn.com/2012/09/25/us/tennessee-fraternity-suspended/index.html?hpt=hp_t2 :fuckyeah:
  20. Maybe try and find someone who has season tickets or something and try to buy them? I know my boss and a few of my co-workers got REALLY good seats for 3 Browns home games this year. I can't remember how much it was but he said it was a good deal. Not sure how else you'd get a hold of them. My wife wanted to buy me Steeler tickets last year for Christmas and I said fuuuuck that.. I got better places to spend money rather than tickets. Yeah I'd love to go.. but the money isn't there for that.
  21. I'm looking for anyone who has any fire pit wood lying around. Something that'll burn good but don't give a shit what kind it is. Small logs, etc.
  22. http://thecontaminated.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/audi-tt-4.jpg http://blufiles.storage.live.com/y1pVKKwtVziQc4fy1ZhN-cyyOp31zabcYOJPm7DPaLYI0Q-MRXYVUISiWu6_JDymor3WvHvP01W4Pk/fat-lady.jpg?psid=1
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