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Everything posted by Oo0martelle0oO

  1. I now own 5 acres of land and should beable to start building in about 3 weeks after I get all the permits.
  2. Thatgs cool but fuck tables I hate those things.
  3. Ok http://metacafe-881.vo.llnwd.net/e1/ItemFiles/%5BFrom%20www.metacafe.com%5D%20267853.1963947.1.jpg http://metacafe-920.vo.llnwd.net/e1/ItemFiles/%5BFrom%20www.metacafe.com%5D%20267853.1963899.1.jpg http://lln-videos.metacafe.com/ItemFiles/%5BFrom%20www.metacafe.com%5D%20267853.1963897.1.jpg Edit: NO IMAGE TAGS ON NAKED PICS
  4. Once I get a better bike I will get back into it. I loved it. When I was riding up there, there was no Phase II just north trail and south trail.
  5. i used to go to Alum 3-4 the times a week about 5 years ago then I broke my bike. I need to get back in to it
  6. old skool http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v359/njbmx/siesure_gif.gif
  7. Welcome back Aaron Wondered where you've been
  8. I'll be at Coco Beach
  9. I'll be in Orlando Anyone wanna meet there?
  10. Jon? What the hell do you want with that Nothing wrong with this being your first post.
  11. Thats thing will never be made noone will buy a 60-70,000+ Golf. Well Except for me
  12. "Head Shot" is from Unreal Tournament. Awsome
  13. Check out First Choice homes if your planning on building on your own lot. Thats who I will be going with http://www.firstchoicehomesohio.com
  14. Voltron http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iC_Z-ebp9Es The Snorks GoBots and who can forget Turbo Teen
  15. You talking about the one right before 670 in Gahanna? I saw what was left.
  16. So I have convinced the wife now I just need to get the job, House and garage in order then I can get the bike
  17. LOL Nice Zorak got me Published in a book. Thanks
  18. This morning I spotted some ass in a White STI on 270 North weaveing in and out of traffic. It had yellow fog lights, gold wheels and a goofy windows sticker (i dont know I guess they make it faster) Just kidding Ben (Spaceghost) Car looks good
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