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Trouble Maker

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Everything posted by Trouble Maker

  1. Tell Nick nice picture in the last one. Free bump.
  2. http://threadbombing.com/data/media/2/687fea91677be9103defb8dc0b97e8b7.gif
  3. I always wondered why they were called roofies, 'cause you're more likely to end up on the floor than the roof. They should call 'em floories. Or rapies.
  4. 15 years ago I could have gotten him anywhere in that building (except for the Governors floor). A friend of the family managed it. My parents have been on the catwalks on the outside of the top of it. I've been in the HVAC system, seen the elevator mechanicals and controls at the top. Oh and....http://captionsearch.com/pix/thumb/wsz0tgm4st-t.jpg
  5. McMaster has a warehouse in Cleveland. When I ordered from them it took a day or two to get here. I've heard from lots of other people who've had the same experience.
  6. "I hate Godzilla…I hate him too! I hate him, he destroys cities!"
  7. Hoblick, I'll pick those up for me and Joe. I sent you a text.
  8. Tesla is hiring. I know two people who recently went to work there! :bangbang:
  9. Me 4. Ben, camping? Me and Joe are supposed to go up on Sunday. EDIT: This is the ALMS weekend, to call it otherwise is blasphemy.
  10. As much as HOAs suck, it's also kind of silly to move into a neighborhood with one. Especially if you have such huge issues with them. People should know what they are getting into if they move into a neighborhood with one. You hear everyone complain about them, but people still move into areas with HOAs! That guy had to have a brand new 5ksqft house in the burbs!
  11. http://a1.vox.com/6a00c225238e9ff21900f48cfdd5d90001-500pi
  12. Lulz. Went down to IKEA right after that happened and took a short detour up to see it on the way back to Columbus.
  13. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_Q5wa7ttQiZk/S3LUxyU3TvI/AAAAAAAAgy0/71Owd4ljEzQ/s400/google_suggestion_jesus_funny_20100208_1652353125.jpg
  14. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Q5wa7ttQiZk/S3LVM3IhszI/AAAAAAAAg0c/o4K42sb1qlw/s400/more_weirdness_from_google_suggest_20100208_1034050964.jpg
  15. http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/3986/jesusasachildviawwwholybs6.jpg
  16. http://ihasahotdog.files.wordpress.com/2008/05/funny-dog-pictures-interupted-bath-jesus.jpg
  17. http://media.funny.co.uk/files/4273.jpg
  18. First I was afraid I was petrified Kept thinking I could never live without you by my side But I spent so many nights thinking how you did me wrong I grew strong I learned how to carry on and so you're back from outer space I just walked in to find you here with that sad look upon your face weren't you the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye you think I'd crumble you think I'd lay down and die Oh no, not I I will survive
  19. It's fun to stay at the http://weird-shit.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/jesus-ymca.jpeg
  20. Alex is Jesus http://static.pyzam.com/img/funnypics/2/pyzamjesus.jpg
  21. Maybe people are posting here because he is a decent likable guy who's generally nice to people and you are a douche bag that no one likes who's always a stuck up asshole? I don't know, maybe I'm grasping with this one. Actually now that I think about it some more, I'm sure it's mostly that you are suck up asshole that no one likes. Tilley being a decent guy only helps the situation.
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