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Trouble Maker

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Everything posted by Trouble Maker

  1. Go in the 'easiest' category you can. Eric absolute don't worry about whatever class you are going into being 'too easy', you won't have to. I'm not saying anything negative about you or what kind of shape you are in, just saying that bike racers are another breed. Anyways, your first race should be fun so just go have fun. Sorry, I've never raced and am not a spandex wearing road biker so I can't offer any specifics.
  2. Also, not like it matters for now, but am I eligible for the $200/$300 upgrade? It says I'm eligible for a discounted upgrade. I am able to select the 3g for $99, 3gs 16gb for $149 and 3gs 32gb for $200. So when they let people start ordering the 4g again, am I eligible? I would assume so, but I just switched to AT&T and got a new contract with the 3gs last summer, my contract is through June of next year. I thought you could only early upgrade if your contract date was within this calendar year.
  3. Political posturing, everything about the illegal alien 'issues' in Arizona being right now is purely political posturing. Any issues they've had, which I agree there are issues that need to be taken care of and the borders do need to be secured, have been going on for a long time.
  4. Like Mitch said, a vast majority of Mountain Bikes are "26' Bikes" meaning the wheel size. Past that they scale the bike frame for how tall the person is. They basically make the front triangle taller and longer, like this. http://www.giant-bicycles.com/_upload_us/bikes/models/geometry/2010/10Yukon-M.jpg
  5. Size? ie small, med, large or 15" , 17" etc?
  6. Beat me to the movie reference but I was going to use a different quote.
  7. Trouble Maker

    Paul Fail

    Is it that little red number you wore the first time we meet... I might have to come out of the wood work if that's the case... no homo.
  8. You should come to my apartment, bring your bike and ride down with me.
  9. I'm convinced everyone on here saying they would do the same thing about the nuts picture is just chest beating, and on an internet forum at that. And on a less serious note... http://threadbombing.com/data/media/3/love_my_nuts.jpg
  10. http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n254/faustus777/TheOffice-ThatsWhatSheSaid-Michael.jpg
  11. Having that influence definitely helps alot. My parents are good with money and tried to show us good money habits from a relatively young age. It's not everything though. My parents weren't able to influence my brother enough to not completely fuck up in this department. It sounds like your mom did just fine, and you are on the right track now. It seems like a lot of people slip up with money when they are younger. How long it takes to get back to normalcy just depends on how long it takes to realize you've slipped or fallen. It seems like a dirty little 'secret' that most everybody kind of fucks up with money at some point in their life. If everyone was able to talk about money a little more freely maybe everyone would be more educated about it and we could maybe help the next generation to live better off than we did.
  12. Crawled out of 'debt'. Fuck Dave Ramsey, I'm glad it's working for you but most of what one should do seems like common sense. Live well within your means, save some money. I don't need some doucher preaching at me while telling me common sense lessons about money. I 'only' had student loans and a car, but that made $40k+ at one point and living in apartments without enough head room to save. I wasn't living within my means. No Bueno. Payed off the car on schedule, started saving that and some more to pay of the student loans. Did that last year. Now saving all of that for a down payment on a house and 6 month buffer. It felt amazing when I payed off my student loan in a lump sum. Congrats on being debt free. :bangbang:
  13. Those people dying is a tragedy, it's very sad and my heart goes out to their families. The oil leak will probably (most definitely) have far more reaching consequences than 11 people dying (was it 11, not sure if I'm remembering that 100% right). If left to do it's own thing this 'spill' could ruin the eco system in the Gulf for our lifetimes. This isn't me spouting some hippie bullshit, that's just common sense. That would effect far more peoples lives than the 11 that died and their families. I will say this with the caveat of I'm not going to get into a existential argument about what 1 human life is worth.
  14. Oh fuck, I had a serious response typed out, but I just saw your source is Rush Limbaugh so never mind.
  15. Last year they let people get the new phone if they had gotten the old one within x amount of time, more than the normal return time. I've not heard anything about that this year yet, but IIRC they didn't announce it right away either. Are you within the return period... I don't know what the window is for AT&T or if there even is one? Just call AT&T customer service or go into a store and ask them, it never hurts to ask!
  16. I guess I read it wrong. The wording on that chart is no good. "Early Upgrade" sounds exactly like it is written to me, like you are upgrading early which is what we were talking about.
  17. You have to pay $200 more, which is a very important part of it for most people. http://gizmodo.com/5557583/why-is-att-suddenly-so-generous
  18. You can make your own too, without the tool if you are feeling brave. http://gizmodo.com/5539485/how-to-make-a-diy-micro-sim-to-sim-adapter http://gizmodo.com/5532572/make-your-own-microsim
  19. http://img.chan4chan.com/img/2009-03-04/1236135208060.jpg
  20. I'm glad you wouldn't call yourself stupid. I on the other hand have no problem with calling you stupid. Just in case that's not clear, you're stupid.
  21. http://dgt1.net/manny/mblog/images/borat_new.jpg
  22. Really I should have quoted Scott because i was trying to clairify why the cover may have been that high when he went.
  23. Lol, using the stock spare(s) up front for skinnies. Really nice looking car, welcome to the board. I really like that paint on that car. #'s? I'm guessing it's something along the lines of 'worthless in this car because it's too much' but just wondering.
  24. The one time I went there it was to watch a band. It was a local blues band that's been around for a long time who's known and performs world wide. http://web.mac.com/seanhcarney/iWeb/Sean%20Carney%20Band/Home.html The cover was somewhere in that realm. I think they had music there often so I'm thinking that might be the case. Scott, do you know if there was live music there that night? Anyone who thinks they shouldn't pay a cover when even a decent band is playing somewhere shouldn't be allowed to listen to music. It's somewhat unfortunate when you just wanted to go somewhere, not for the music and there is a cover. But you've got to pay to play. It they were just charging a $20 cover and there wasn't a live band, I agree, f that. I liked the food, atmosphere and drinks there. The service was good, especially considering it was a Friday night and the place was packed. I was going to go back sometime, but hadn't yet. Sucks that it closed.
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