I knew someone would post this but I didn't feel like typing anymore when I typed that. I completely agree that Jason should have called and let them know and that is a very good business practice and how a place should be run. I think on the business side he completely dropped the ball on this one. If it were me, even if I didn't call to check, I would want some sort of compensation. On the other hand, the guys from Cleveland completely drooped the ball on the common sense side on this one. If it were me, I would have definitely called to check before wasting half of my day. Hell, I do that when I'm getting something worked on 20 minutes away and it's 'supposed' to be done. It wouldn't have been that hard for either side to pick up a phone and hit the key pad 10 little times.
All's Jason not calling cost him was looking a little bad on here. The guys from Cleveland cost themselves, at least 20 bucks in gas, at least 10 in food, and however much 5 hours of their time and their frustration over the situation is worth. Considering that most people in Cleveland make 6.75 an hour, that comes to a grand total of about $100.