This is a very isolationist view of his stances, which he is not.
He's against gun control. By being in the United Nations we are no longer a sovereign nation, our courts have already used UN influence in some decisions which creates a precedent in which we don't follow our Constitution and leads a path away from it and our enumerated rights. He wants to protect out borders and withdraw troops from around the world, but wants to have diplomacy with all nations. With our current entitlement system, military forces around the world, and $9 trillion in debt something has to give sooner or later.
I am not going to say that anyone is dumb for not following, but I will say if you really do your own research on whats really going on it's much easier to align yourself with his views. Although, it is easier to mock and make fun instead of doing any legwork.
Being 3% behind Thompson and McCain and having over double the votes for Guiliani (who the press deemed a top tier candidate all summer) is good. This is only 1 state, nothing to get excited about for anyone.